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Whether you're managing a small online business or using Jamstack to scale a larger web application, you need actionable metrics that are easily accessible so you can deliver an exceptional digital customer experience and quickly find the root of any issues facing your users. New Relic browser monitoring is an all-in-one solution that helps frontend, full-stack, and web developers measure and improve application performance and end-user responsiveness.

We’ve recently added some new features to our browser monitoring experience so you can easily troubleshoot and optimize your front-end applications. Check out our updates: 

Industry-standard Google Web Vitals, front and center

Google’s Core Web Vitals are now natively incorporated into the browser monitoring user interface, so you can see these critical metrics at-a-glance without having to build custom dashboards.

Google Web Vitals are industry-standard metrics that help you analyze load performance, responsiveness, and layout stability of your web applications. Core Web Vitals are the subset of Web Vitals that apply to all web pages.

You can now immediately visualize and analyze your applications’ largest contentful paint, first input delay, and cumulative layout shift. If your site unexpectedly slows down or crashes, frontend engineers can find the problem and dive deeper into the issue without context switching.

We understand the vigilance needed to maintain high page availability. With New Relic relevant insights and signals natively in the UI, it’s easy for you to reduce your mean time to resolution (MTTR) and keep a finger on the pulse of your key performance metrics.

The new Web Vitals browser monitoring experience exposes the best and worst performing pages, so you have the right context and can minimize mean time to detect (MTTD) during outages. You can mark pages as favorites and drill down into details on the best and worst performing sites. You can also filter by each Web Vital to scope your work. 

View user traffic across devices

Additionally, you can now view all front-end traffic filtered straightaway by three device types: desktop, mobile, and tablet. You can also narrow down these results further by filtering by Web Vitals and other metrics.

This is particularly useful as you debug and optimize your front-end experiences, because you can analyze more granular data. For example, you might see whether Firefox or Chrome contribute to higher page load time when your application is accessed on desktop. Being able to pinpoint this information, without any coding required, can significantly reduce your mean time to detection and resolution. 

This line graph above shows you the worst performing First Input Delay (FID) over time, complete with metrics on device type, operating system, and country, so you can correlate what’s going wrong and why.

Also, if you know that your application user base is coming specifically from two or three regions, you can add those regions as favorites. Then, each time you log in, you can view the regions you care about the most.

Filter web traffic by region

Within browser monitoring, the geography page presents visuals that help you hone in on key insights about your frontend experience with an intuitive map. This map shows your user data by region, and you can visualize your traffic and error hotspots alongside device type information. For example, if it's unclear which regions are experiencing higher page load times than normal, filtering the geography can help you track down the root of the problem.

These new features can help you quickly detect issues in webpage performance and could be very useful in dynamic environments where scaling quickly is a priority. 

New Relic knows how important real user monitoring is to our customers, and we are continuously working to innovate and deliver new features for all our frontend monitoring features. There are more announcements to come, so stay tuned. And check out this recording of our keynote at Futurestack 2022!