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New Relic Announces Groundbreaking Real-Time Analytics Platform

Cloud-based New Relic Insights collects, stores and processes trillions of events from web and mobile software to allow customers to easily and quickly answer the most important business questions

San Francisco and New York - March 19, 2014

Software analytics company New Relic today announced the arrival of Insights, a real-time analytics platform that collects, stores and presents valuable data directly from modern software, and transforms the data into insights about customers, applications and the business. Delivered as a cloud-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) offering and using New Relic’s lightning-fast and custom-built Big Data database platform, New Relic Insights empowers application developers and business users alike to make ad hoc and iterative queries across trillions of events and metrics and get answers in seconds.

The Big Data Challenge

Traditionally, there hasn’t been a fast, easy or cost-effective way to collect, store and interact with real-time data to gain business or IT insights. With today’s fast-paced economy, businesses can no longer afford to wait hours or days for a static report that may not provide the data required for data-driven, software-powered businesses. Frequently, the data is out of date and ad-hoc queries take hours to complete, limiting what and how many questions decision makers can ask – making data-driven, iterative decision making impossible.

New Relic Insights to the Rescue

  • Collect data about your software, customers and business directly from your software using New Relic’s intelligent agents
  • Store volumes of data in New Relic’s super-cluster and take advantage of a custom-built database to query billions of metrics in seconds
  • Present visualizations and dashboards immediately with the New Relic Query Language (NRQL), a simple SQL-like language that automatically generates data visualizations, so even novice users get answers fast

New Momentum for the Category of Software Analytics

New Relic Insights is only one offering from New Relic within the much broader Software Analytics category. Every modern business is software-driven and interacts with its customers digitally whether via mobile or the web. As a result, software holds answers about your customers’ behaviors and actions, which reflect on the state of your business and your relationship with customers. There are five components that make up Software Analytics:

  • Real-time Analytics Platforms - Collect trillions of events from applications and allow users to query the data easily to answer tough business questions
  • Application Performance Management – Developers and IT operations groups monitor and troubleshoot the performance of their web and mobile software
  • Operational Intelligence – IT operations groups analyze and identify trends in operational systems
  • Infrastructure Management –IT Operations groups monitor and troubleshoot the performance of IT infrastructure
  • Business Optimization and Analytics Apps – Business user groups optimize their job functions

Ways to Gain From New Relic Insights

  • Product Management – Make a query about the adoption of new product features that were recently launched, determine which customers are actually using the features to enable actions and next-steps.
  • Marketing – Find out if the new marketing campaign is a homerun or a strikeout in real-time. If it’s a homerun – spend more. If it’s a strikeout, kill the campaign before the budget is blown.
  • Sales – Track customers’ experiences and product usage during a free trial. Immediate insight into key stakeholders and issues that they might have with the product.
  • Customer Loyalty and Support – Manage customer engagement and happiness through each click of their mouse. Understand why a customer makes a call to support before they make the call.
  • Application Developers and IT Operations – Track customer interactions with a site over the previous 10 minutes to find the root cause of a support issue that cannot be reproduced.

The New Relic Insights Beta Program Highlights

  • This new Real-Time Analytics Platform (previously code-named Project Rubicon) is now in public beta. More than 275 customers have participated in the private beta to-date. All paying New Relic customers get immediate access to the new product for free for a limited time.
  • Each account gets 1 billion metrics stored for up to seven days for free during the beta period. More than 1 trillion events have already been stored in the new product over the last month.

Supporting Quotes

"New Relic Insights is like a data Swiss army knife, a tool you can use for a multitude of analytics needs and opportunities. For any modern publisher, analytics is omnipresent with millions of data points - think March Madness and World Cup 2014 just for starters. Bleacher Report sees New Relic Insights adding significant engagement opportunities with our sports fans around the globe."
Sam Parnell, CTO, Bleacher Report

"The New Relic API and the software analytics now available through New Relic Insights are allowing us to analyze and iterate feature changes to our website and donor experience in sophisticated A/B testing that wouldn't be available any other way with any other tool. Software Analytics is helping us save the lives of children in countries like Zambia and Uganda, all made possible by New Relic." - Joel Worrall, CTO, CURE

"New Relic Insights is a spotlight that rapidly uncovers major insights about our properties — and is an invaluable tool for both our tech and marketing teams. The custom dashboards and ability to add custom attributes allow us rapidly to ask better questions and quickly learn from those, so we can dig further and make better business decisions — both for the platforms as well as the user experiences they support. The monitor-test-get results cycle has been reduced from two weeks to daily (or even intra-day) — the speed with which you can build a query and get a response has created a near real-time intelligence capability. Finally, the instrument-launch-monitor cycle now fits in our agile development and marketing processes." - Paul Ryan, CTO, Yellow Pages Group, Canada

“I am so excited that New Relic Insights is now a reality, a completely new type of product that signals New Relic’s second act. It builds upon our ability to collect, store and make sense of billions of metrics and offers the ability to instantly query live production software, iterate on the fly and act upon the results. I truly think New Insights will transform the way businesses use data from their software to make better decisions.” – Lew Cirne, founder and CEO, New Relic

Online Resources

  • Learn more about New Relic Insights by clicking here
  • Discover more about the Software Analytics category with the paper, “Learn Why Your Software Should Rely on Software Analytics,” by The Big Data Group, an independent market research firm
  • Enterprise customers can access the independent market research firm Enterprise Management Associates paper, “New Relic Unveils New Relic Insights: Software Analytics for Business Insights” here
  • See how New Relic Insights helps developers in this infographic here
  • Read CEO and Founder Lew Cirne’s blog post here and get lots more details about how New Relic Insights works as well as a technical perspective on New Relic Insights here

About New Relic

The New Relic Intelligent Observability Platform helps businesses eliminate interruptions in digital experiences. New Relic is the only AI-driven platform to unify and pair telemetry data to provide clarity over your entire digital estate. We move your problem solving past proactive to predictive by processing the right data at the right time to maximize value and control costs. That’s why businesses around the world—including Adidas Runtastic, American Red Cross, Domino’s, GoTo Group, Ryanair, Topgolf, and William Hill—run on New Relic to drive innovation, improve reliability, and deliver exceptional customer experiences to fuel growth.


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