What's included?
What is Sidekiq?
Simple, efficient background processing for Ruby. Sidekiq uses threads to handle many jobs at the same time in the same process.
Sidekiq use cases
Developers using Ruby on Rails to build applications often have other tasks needed to be done asynchronously such as data processing, batch executions, etc. Sidekiq is the answer to this need being a framework that provides background processing for Ruby apps. With this, developers can process jobs in the background and improve efficiency. Sidekiq leverages Redis as an in-memory data structure and it can be used with Resque, also a Redis-based job scheduler.
New Relic + Sidekiq
New Relic Ruby agent empowers you with a seamless monitoring of Sidekiq. Our dashboard helps you track key indicators like average CPU utilization and average physical memory. Also, New Relic’s pre-defined alert conditions notify you on performance metrics like Apdex score, memory usage, and transaction errors.
Get started!
Leverage community expertise and instantly get value out of your telemetry data. This quickstart automatically instruments Sidekiq with the New Relic Ruby agent, and allows you to further leverage New Relic's APM capabilities by setting up custom dashboards, errors inbox, transaction tracing, and service maps.
More info
Check out the documentation to learn more about New Relic monitoring for Sidekiq.