New Relic Now+ New Relic’s most transformative platform update yet with 20+ product launches.
Watch the event on-demand now.

Join our India wide online Observability GameDay on 22 March. Sharpen your (and your team’s) skills as New Relic joins forces with AWS to bring you the ultimate hands-on GameDay experience with spectacular prizes to be won. 


10:00-10:15am IST: Welcome and introductions
10:15-10:30am IST: GameDay approach and setup
10:30-12:20pm IST: GameDay quests
12:20-12:30pm IST: Winners' announcement

Spaces are limited! Save your spot now.  

Join us in person in Bangalore on 20 March or Gurugram on 21 March to see how Intelligent Observability opens up unexpected possibilities and discover how top companies use it to drive better business outcomes, improve digital customer experiences, optimize cloud costs and boost productivity.

New Relic Chief Product Officer, Manav Khurana will deep dive into this paradigm shift for observability and unveil AI-driven innovations to fuel your engineering, your business, and your competitive edge.  

Event details:




10:00am-12:30pm IST


Saturday, March 22

New Relic Now Live: Observability Game Day

Register for the Event

Thank you for registering!

Your virtual seat is saved for Observability India online GameDay, Saturday March 22 from 10:00am-12:30pm IST. 

See you soon!

Any questions or can no longer make it? Email