Applications today consist of thousands of components, with each of these having the potential to carry critical security vulnerabilities.

Amid this landscape, mitigating threats is no longer the sole responsibility of security teams, with a new shared responsibility between DevOps and security teams (DevSecOps) emerging to adopt a security mindset across the development pipeline. 

Join this 90 minute online workshop to learn how New Relic vulnerability management lets you see and fix security issues in one connected experience with zero configuration, open integrations, automatic risk prioritization, and alerting on newly discovered vulnerabilities.

We'll demonstrate our new Vulnerability Management capabilities by instrumenting an application with our APM agents to view runtime Software Composition Analysis (SCA) vulnerabilities.

In addition, see how to save hours in triaging and remediation with new Proof-of-Exploits reporting, created from our Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) capability. And then verify the effects of your remediation efforts by using the automation provided by the agents.

Attend and learn how:

  • The cybersecurity landscape relates to business observability
  • Engineering responsibilities are changing between DevOps and security
  • New Relic Vulnerability Management empowers your engineers to understand their application security
  • New Relic IAST reduces security tickets and time spent in triage and remediation
How to Master Software Remediation using New Relic Vulnerability Management

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