Show Me (Where I'm Spending) the Money!? AWS Billing Comes to New Relic Insights (APAC)

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The powerful New Relic AWS Billing integration is designed to give you and your business more visibility and control over what and how you use the AWS services that you run your business on.

In this on-demand webinar New Relic’s Senior AWS Technical Manager Kevin Downs shows you how to set everything up and be able to include this information alongside other New Relic products.

In this on-demand webinar, we'll show you:


  • Requirements for AWS Billing integration
  • The value of AWS Billing information within Insights
  • How to setup Alerts for billing notifications


Event speakers

Kevin Downs headshot

Kevin Downs

Sr. AWS Technical Partner Manager at New Relic

Kevin Downs has been in the enterprise software industry for 20 years, the last 15 years as a customer-facing Solution Architect selling enterprise software solutions to all verticals. He is now the Senior AWS Technical Partner Manager working to promote New Relic’s AWS integrations with customers to help them on their cloud journey.

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