
NOTE: This post was originally published in March 2014, but has since been revised with updated profiles as well as new names suggested by the .NET community. Do you know of other experts who should be included in this list? Please send suggestions to @NewRelic on Twitter, using hashtag #dotnetexperts.


microsoft .net logoWant to know what the best .NET developers in the world are up to? Want to get their take on how to write better code and develop better products? You’re in luck, because many of them have a significant presence online.

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To get started, in alphabetical order, here are 20 of our favorite .NET developers to follow:

scott allen1. Scott Allen

Founder of Ode to Code, teacher, writer, speaker, podcaster.

Blog: odetocode.com

Twitter: @OdeToCode

GitHub: github.com/OdeToCode


iris classon2. Iris Classon

Cloud Architect at Konstrukt, Microsoft MVP, member of the Microsoft Extended Experts Team (MEET), writer, speaker.

Blog: irisclasson.com

Twitter: @irisclasson

YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/MrsIrisD

GitHub: github.com/IrisClasson

Stack Overflow: stackoverflow.com/users/984153/iris-classon

david ebbo3. David Ebbo

Microsoft dev manager on Windows Azure Functions, focused on Project Kudu (the OSS git engine).

Blog: blog.davidebbo.com

Twitter: @davidebbo

GitHub: github.com/davidebbo

Stack Overflow: stackoverflow.com/users/111888/david-ebbo

damian edwards4. Damian Edwards

ASP.NET program manager at Microsoft, creator of SignalR, and Web Forms MVP.

Blog: damianedwards.wordpress.com

Twitter: @damianedwards

GitHub: github.com/DamianEdwards

Stack Overflow: stackoverflow.com/users/405892/damian-edwards

david fowler5. David Fowler

ASP.NET software developer at Microsoft. Creator and lead developer on SignalR.

Twitter: @davidfowl

GitHub: github.com/davidfowl

jon galloway6. Jon Galloway

Senior technical evangelist at Microsoft, specializing in ASP.NET MVC. Executive director of the .NET Foundation, co-author of The ASP.NET 2.0 Anthology, and contributor to the Herding Code podcast.

Blog: weblogs.asp.net/jgalloway

Twitter: @jongalloway

GitHub: github.com/jongalloway

damien guard7. Damien Guard

Software developer at GitHub working on the Atom editor. Previously at Microsoft, Xbox, and Netflix.

Blog: damieng.com

Twitter: @damienguard

GitHub: github.com/damieng

scott guthrie8. Scott Guthrie

Cloud and enterprise executive vice president at Microsoft. Runs or has run development teams building ASP.NET, Silverlight, WPF, CLR, IIS, Media Server, and the Visual Studio Tools for web development and Windows Phone 7. With Mark Anders, creator of ASP.NET.

Blog: weblogs.asp.net/scottgu

Twitter: @scottgu

GitHub: github.com/scottgu

phil haack9. Phil Haack

Director of engineering for Client Apps at GitHub. Previously senior program manager on the ASP.NET team at Microsoft.

Blog: haacked.com

Twitter: @haacked

GitHub: github.com/Haacked

corey haines10. Corey Haines

“The software journeyman.” Co-founder and CTO of Hearken. Speaker, teacher, cofounder of Code Retreat, developer on MercuryApp and Slottd.

Blog: blog.coreyhaines.com

Twitter: @coreyhaines

GitHub: github.com/coreyhaines

StackOverflow: stackoverflow.com/users/1413577/coreyhaines

scott hanselman11. Scott Hanselman

Programmer, writer, teacher, speaker. Co-author of Professional ASP.NET 2.0. Host of the Hanselminutes podcast.

Blog: www.hanselman.com/blog

Twitter: @shanselman

YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/shanselman

GitHub: github.com/shanselman

Stack Overflow: stackoverflow.com/users/6380/scott-hanselman

anders hejlsberg12. Anders Hejlsberg

Microsoft Technical Fellow. Lead architect of C# and core developer on TypeScript. Original author of Turbo Pascal, chief architect of Delphi. Co-author of The C# Programming Language.

Twitter: @ahejlsberg

GitHub: github.com/ahejlsberg

scott koon13. Scott Koon

Senior application developer with Russell Investment Group. Co-host of Herding Code podcast. Contributor to Witty, a WPF .NET Twitter client.

Blog: lazycoder.com/weblog

Twitter: @lazycoder

GitHub: github.com/skoon

eric lawrence14. Eric Lawrence

Software engineer at Google. Created Fiddler and SlickRun. Formerly a principal software engineer at Telerik and program manager on the Internet Explorer development team at Microsoft.

Blog: textslashplain.com

Twitter: @ericlaw

GitHub: github.com/squaretone

Stack Overflow: stackoverflow.com/users/126229/ericlaw

drew marsh15. Drew Marsh

Chief software architect at Mimeo.

Twitter: @drub0y

GitHub: github.com/drub0y

Stack Overflow: stackoverflow.com/users/185859/drew-marsh


chad myers16. Chad Myers

Director of development at Dovetail Software. Speaker at the Austin .NET Users’ Group and the ADNUG Code Camp.

Blog: lostechies.com/chadmyers/author/chadmyers

Twitter: @chadmyers

GitHub: github.com/chadmyers

john papa17. John Papa

Google developer expert and Microsoft regional director specializing in Web technologies. Host of Silverlight TV. Former technical evangelist at Microsoft on the Silverlight and Windows 8 teams. Speaker, writer.

Blog: www.johnpapa.net

Twitter: @John_Papa

GitHub: github.com/johnpapa

Stack Overflow: stackoverflow.com/users/13375/john-papa

jon skeet18. Jon Skeet

Software engineer at Google in London. Usually a Microsoft C# MVP. Author of C# in Depth.

Blog: codeblog.jonskeet.uk

Twitter: @jonskeet

GitHub: github.com/jskeet

Stack Overflow: stackoverflow.com/users/22656/jon-skeet

mike stall19. Mike Stall

Principal architect at Microsoft.

Blog: blogs.msdn.com/b/jmstall

GitHub: github.com/MikeStall


rick strahl20. Rick Strahl

President of West Wind Technologies. Writer, speaker, co-publisher of CODE Magazine, C# MVP.

Blog: weblog.west-wind.com

Twitter: @RickStrahl

GitHub: github.com/RickStrahl

Stack Overflow: stackoverflow.com/users/11197/rick-strahl

More folks to follow

Since we published our initial list, we’ve gotten suggestions from members of the .NET community about additional great .NET experts out there who should be included. We’re adding them here in alphabetical order, and we will update this list as needed going forward. Thanks for the feedback!

kaycee andersonKaycee Anderson

Program manager for the Visual Studio Debugger at Microsoft, frequent presenter at tech conferences nationwide.

Twitter: @kayceesue

Videos: channel9.msdn.com/Niners/Kaycee


yina arenasYina Arenas

Principal program manager at Microsoft, frequent presenter at conferences and hackathons.

Twitter: @yina_arenas

GitHub: github.com/yinaa

Videos: channel9.msdn.com/Events/Speakers/yina-arenas

paige baileyPaige Bailey

Senior cloud developer advocate at Microsoft, specializing in data visualization, machine learning, and AI.

Twitter: @DynamicWebPaige

Website: paigevie.ws

GitHub: github.com/DynamicWebPaige

michele leroux bustamanteMichele Leroux Bustamante

Co-founder and CIO of Solliance, Microsoft Regional Director and Azure MVP, author, and keynote speaker.

Twitter: @michelebusta

Blog: michelebusta.com

Medium: medium.com/@michelebusta

GitHub: github.com/michelebusta

kathleen dollardKathleen Dollard

Program manager working on .NET Core and Languages, including Visual Basic. Microsoft MVP and author of Code Generation in Microsoft .NET.

Twitter: @kathleendollard

GitHub: github.com/KathleenDollard


lena hallLena Hall

Senior software development engineer at Microsoft Research.

Twitter: @lenadroid

Blog: lenadroid.github.io

GitHub: github.com/lenadroid


kristian hellangKristian Hellang

Web developer, Microsoft MVP, contributor to popular .NET open source projects such as scriptcs, Nancy, and Serilog.

Blog: kristian.hellang.com

Twitter: @khellang

GitHub: github.com/khellang

Stack Overflow: stackoverflow.com/users/682105/khellang

julie lermanJulie Lerman

Author, .NET coach, and Microsoft MVP. Founder of Vermont.NET user group and organizer of the Vermont Code Camp.

Twitter: @julielerman

Blog: thedatafarm.com

GitHub: github.com/julielerman

caitie mccaffreyCaitie McCaffrey

Principal software engineering lead at Microsoft Research, former tech lead for the Observability team at Twitter.

Twitter: @caitie

Website: caitiem.com

GitHub: github.com/CaitieM20


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Want to suggest another name to add to this list? Tweet your suggestions to @NewRelic with hashtag #dotnetexperts.