
New Relic and Atlassian Deliver the First Observability Integration for Incidents Tab in Jira

Integration streamlines incident management and response; makes data from New Relic natively available within Jira Software to remediate and proactively prevent and resolve software incidents

LAS VEGAS — ATLASSIAN TEAM ‘24 - 2024年 5月 2日

New Relic, the all-in-one observability platform for every engineer, announced a new integration with Atlassian, a leading provider of team collaboration and productivity software. New Relic is the first and only observability platform to be integrated into Atlassian’s new capability to track incidents in Jira Software. The integration empowers engineering teams to bolster their incident management and resolution practices with insights gained from software issues detected in New Relic. This enables organizations to more effectively manage current incidents and prevent future ones, freeing more time for product innovation.

Incidents are inevitable for every software development team. When development teams lack visibility into production issues and incident ownership is unclear, incidents and bugs go unresolved and can impact user experience, revenue, and reputation. This issue is exacerbated when incident tracking is scattered across systems, making collaboration difficult between development and IT operations teams.

New Relic and Atlassian are solving these challenges with the Incidents tab in Jira, which sends incidents from New Relic and other tools to Jira, allowing teams to quickly learn about the incident and focus on identifying the affected services, entities, and issues. By surfacing post-incident reviews (PIRs) in Jira, teams can assign and manage preventative work to reduce the frequency and volume of costly incidents. New Relic is the first and only observability provider to offer an integration available in early access to Jira customers, which helped shape Jira's new capability.

“At New Relic, we believe in meeting engineers where they are, enabling them to do their best work with their preferred tools. We are delighted to be the first observability platform to integrate with the incidents tab in Jira,” said New Relic Chief Design and Strategy Officer Peter Pezaris. “With our natively-connected solution, we hope to expand access to observability by bringing the right insights into engineers’ existing workflows, helping them manage their work more effectively with the best-of-breed tools they use every day.”

Key benefits of the integration include:

  • Enhance incident detection and visibility: Enable development teams to monitor their code’s performance in production and identify associated issues in Jira Software.
  • Avoid screen swivel, speed up resolution: Link and create Jira issues with pre-populated incident details from New Relic to help resolve critical issues faster and reduce downtime.
  • Prioritize and streamline workflows: Review incidents by priority, affected service, and status to quickly identify incidents that require a team’s attention.
  • Establish proactive practices: Create PIRs that include real-time New Relic data to help teams understand root causes, remediation options, and how to prevent recurring incidents.

“We’re on a mission to bring software development and IT operations teams closer together so they can deliver consistently high performing software to their customers,” said Suzie Prince, Head of Product, DevOps, Atlassian. “The New Relic integration automatically surfaces insights and observability data in the new Incidents tab in Jira to further improve collaboration between teams. This can help teams move quickly on active incidents and take action to prevent recurring incidents.”

The New Relic integration for the Jira Incidents tab is the latest collaboration between New Relic and Atlassian. It builds on the recent New Relic errors inbox integration with Jira for error tracking, the Bitbucket quickstart in New Relic Instant Observability to monitor and optimize deployments, and New Relic alerts integration with Jira to help the right teams get the right information in the software development lifecycle.


The Incidents tab in Jira is currently available in early access. Sign up today here. You can also learn more about this integration at Atlassian’s Team ‘24 conference

New Relicについて

New Relicは、オブザーバビリティのリーダーとして、優れたソフトウェアの計画、構築、デプロイ、実行に対するデータ駆動型のアプローチでエンジニアを支援しています。New Relicは、エンジニアがあらゆるテレメトリ(メトリクス、イベント、ログ、トレース)を取得できる唯一の統合データプラットフォームを提供し、強力なフルスタック分析ツールとの組み合わせにより、エンジニアが意見ではなくデータを用いて最高の仕事をできるよう支援します。New Relicは、直感的で予測可能な価格体系を採用しています。計画サイクルタイム、変更失敗率、リリース頻度、平均解決時間の改善を支援することにより、エンジニアに高い費用対効果をもたらします。Adidas Runtastic, American Red Cross, Australia Post, Banco Inter, Chegg, GoTo Group, Ryanair, Sainsbury’s, Signify Health, TopGolf および World Fuel Services (WFS) などの世界有数の企業がNew Relicをお使いいただいています。お客様が稼働時間と信頼性を向上し、運用効率を高め、革新と成長を促す優れた顧客体験を提供する支援をしています。www.newrelic.com


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