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Enterprises Choose New Relic for Public Cloud Environments

451 Research Survey Reveals Most Implemented Vendors in APM

San Francisco - 2014年 5月 14日

New Relic, the software analytics company, today announced the company’s software-as-a-service solution was selected as the most widely deployed independent performance management and monitoring tool among large to midsize enterprises in public cloud environments, according to recent survey results conducted by 451 Research. The list of APM vendors detailed in the report, in which Amazon Web Services’ native capabilities received the highest number of selections, were compiled directly from open-ended responses of enterprise end-users. In addition, the survey revealed that New Relic was the leading solution in pilot and under evaluation for budgets that had already been allocated.

The survey results reflected an upswing for enterprises adopting public cloud services and cloud performance management and monitoring solutions. The 451 Research report projected 20 percent of enterprises surveyed will increase spending year-over-year in 2014. Additionally, approximately 14 percent of enterprises had already implemented performance management and monitoring tools in the second half of 2013 while 16 percent of enterprises reported in-pilot, evaluation, near-term, long-term and post-long term project plans.

With over 200,000 users as of March 31, 2014, New Relic provides a cloud-based software-as-a-service application performance management solution for software-driven businesses of nearly any size. Since the launch of New Relic APM, the company’s core product, New Relic has continued to deliver an integrated, SaaS solution designed for scalability and ease of use. Its analytics enable data-driven decisions to optimize the software for complex, multi-tier environments, particularly those making the use of cloud infrastructures.

Executive Quotes

“It’s still early days for public cloud performance management and monitoring tools because most decision-makers at large and midsize enterprises have not made up their minds about the cloud strategy they want to use. However, the upside potential remains high for performance management solutions and we are seeing monitoring vendors such as New Relic bubble above the rest. We also found that public cloud service providers were using performance management tools to differentiate their offerings on the basis of offering a better quality of service.” – Nikolay Yamakawa, Analyst at 451 Research Group

More About 451 Research

451 Research, a division of The 451 Group, is focused on the business of enterprise IT innovation. The company’s analysts provide critical and timely insight into the competitive dynamics of innovation in emerging technology segments. Business value is delivered via daily concise and insightful published research, periodic deeper-dive reports, data tools, market-sizing research, analyst advisory, and conferences and events.

Online Resources

  • Check out our blog for additional background and commentary
  • For more information on New Relic and the company’s product offerings, see here

New Relicについて

アプリケーションパフォーマンス監視(APM)が発案されて以来、New Relicは最先端のプラットフォームとしてオブザーバビリティの最前線に立っており、デジタル体験の中断を解消します。adidas Runtastic、米国赤十字社、Domino’s、GoTo Group、Ryanair、Topgolf、William Hillといった世界中の企業がNew Relicを利用して、より優れたデジタル体験を創造し、収益を最適化し、イノベーションをリードしています。


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