Join Relics like myself and Robert Prast at SRECon in San Francisco from March 14 to 16. We’ll be talking about all things related to site reliability, systems engineering, and distributed systems at scale.

Visit our booth
Don’t miss our booth, which is themed around self-care for the SRE. We’ll be giving away self-care items as part of our booth swag. Relax with berry-scented candles and some custom safety matches, while donning your eye mask. Inhale. It won’t be the DNS this time. Exhale.

We know that SREs are the ones getting up in the night working on outages that no one else is available to worry about. They often don’t have full administration of the environment or the ability to actually fix the problems that arise. Worse, sometimes they can’t see everyone’s observability information or they can’t share information with the coders who can possibly fix the problem. SREs are overworked and often stressed out, and we want to help you rest easier with our technology—so be sure to stop by and chat with us about how we can help you.
Learn about triaging security threats with Pixie
On March 15 at 2:45 PM, catch our Triaging Real-time Security Threats with eBPF-powered Observability talk. We’ll be discussing how your security teams can adopt observability-first principles to triage ongoing security threats by using the Pixie integration with New Relic One. We’ll teach you how Pixie uses eBPF and the Linux Kernel to extract observability data that can serve as a single source of truth, provide end-to-end traces, and give performance insights. If you’re interested in learning how to analyze data to pinpoint the root cause of an attack, this talk is for you.
Want to know more about what our integration with Pixie can do?
- Read our recent blog about detecting SQL injection with Pixie.
- Visit our documentation and install auto-telemetry with Pixie to get up and running.
- Not a user yet? Sign up for a free account with New Relic One that includes all of our capabilities, including the Pixie integration, as well as 100GB/month of free data ingest and unlimited basic users.
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