
IDC Marketscape Report Names New Relic a Worldwide Leader for Production APM SaaS Marketplace

Analyst Firm Cites New Relic as Well-Positioned to Meet Short- and Long-Term Needs of Production Application and Cloud Service Requirements at Enterprise Scale

San Francisco - 2013年 11月 5日

New Relic, Inc., the software analytics company, today announced that IDC has named New Relic a leader in its report, “IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Production APM Software as a Service 2013 Vendor Analysis.”1   The report is a result of a rigorous evaluation that included quantitative and qualitative assessments of the characteristics required for success in this marketplace. New Relic was recognized for its investments that support a new generation of native cloud and mobile applications for line-of-business stakeholders.

IDC’s research showed that the “vendors that will be most successful in the worldwide production APM SaaS arena will be those that can deliver rapid time to value via unified, intuitive graphical user interfaces, advanced yet accessible analytics, seamless integrations across service modules, and ever-increasing scalability in terms of the scope, breadth and depth of coverage.”

New Relic was identified as “gaining increasing interest from enterprise-scale organizations that valued a simple-to-deploy solution and easy-to-navigate user interface that can be easily accessed by production IT operations teams, developers, and business stakeholders. New Relic customers interviewed by IDC gave the company high marks for its speed of deployment, low overhead, solid documentation, responsive customer support and intuitive visuals and graphics. They also valued the service’s ability to accommodate a wide range of application types.”

“For software-driven businesses, understanding the application has become the best way to understand your customers and your business,” said Lew Cirne, founder and CEO of New Relic. “When I started New Relic, I wanted to build an easily accessible service for the next generation of applications. Today, the future is here -- nearly all new business initiatives are built on web and mobile applications. Through our continued innovation, we are staking a claim among organizations large and small that our single, integrated solution that centralizes the management of web and native mobile

About IDC MarketScape

The IDC MarketScape vendor analysis model is designed to provide an overview of the competitive fitness of IT, telecommunications, or industry-specific suppliers in a given market. The research methodology utilizes a rigorous scoring methodology based on both qualitative and quantitative criteria that results in a single graphical illustration of each vendor’s position within a given market. IDC MarketScape provides a clear framework in which the product and service offerings, capabilities and strategies, and current and future market success factors of IT, telecommunications, or industry-specific vendors can be meaningfully compared. The framework also provides technology buyers with a transparent foundation to allow companies to independently compare the strengths and weaknesses of current and prospective vendors.

1IDC, IDC Marketscape: Worldwide Production APM Software as a Service 2013 Vendor Analysis, #243716, October 2013.

New Relicについて

New Relicは、オブザーバビリティのリーダーとして、優れたソフトウェアの計画、構築、デプロイ、実行に対するデータ駆動型のアプローチでエンジニアを支援しています。New Relicは、エンジニアがあらゆるテレメトリ(メトリクス、イベント、ログ、トレース)を取得できる唯一の統合データプラットフォームを提供し、強力なフルスタック分析ツールとの組み合わせにより、エンジニアが意見ではなくデータを用いて最高の仕事をできるよう支援します。New Relicは、直感的で予測可能な価格体系を採用しています。計画サイクルタイム、変更失敗率、リリース頻度、平均解決時間の改善を支援することにより、エンジニアに高い費用対効果をもたらします。Adidas Runtastic, American Red Cross, Australia Post, Banco Inter, Chegg, GoTo Group, Ryanair, Sainsbury’s, Signify Health, TopGolf および World Fuel Services (WFS) などの世界有数の企業がNew Relicをお使いいただいています。お客様が稼働時間と信頼性を向上し、運用効率を高め、革新と成長を促す優れた顧客体験を提供する支援をしています。www.newrelic.com


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