
New Relic Joins Apdex Alliance

As a Member, New Relic supports the Apdex open standard — an objective method of reporting, benchmarking, and tracking application performance

San Francisco - 2009年 3月 3日

New Relic, Inc., the leading provider of Ruby on Rails application performance management solutions, today announced that that it has become a contributing member of the Apdex Alliance. The Alliance seeks to define and promote Apdex, an open standard for measuring application user satisfaction using a consistent and objective scoring approach.

"We see Apdex as an important emerging standard in application performance," said Lew Cirne, founder and CEO of New Relic. "Application developers are often confronted by the businesspeople in their companies with vague complaints about application performance. A scoring methodology like Apdex takes the fuzziness out of measuring and communicating user satisfaction. We are happy to support the adoption of the standard by joining the Apdex Alliance."

"As one of the leading providers of application performance management tools, New Relic is certainly an ideal member of the Alliance," said Peter Sevcik, founder and executive director of the Apdex Alliance. "We are very pleased they have joined to promote adoption of this valuable methodology."

About Apdex

Apdex is the first user experience metric that is comparable across all transactional applications. Thus, an operations manager has a single measurement to compare performance across applications. Managers can quickly see which applications need improvement or investment, those that have a low Apdex value but are important to the business. Apdex also lets developers measure the effectiveness of performance improvement investments. An Apdex value should improve with a performance-driven upgrade. More information can be found at www.apdex.org.

New Relicについて

New Relicは、オブザーバビリティのリーダーとして、優れたソフトウェアの計画、構築、デプロイ、実行に対するデータ駆動型のアプローチでエンジニアを支援しています。New Relicは、エンジニアがあらゆるテレメトリ(メトリクス、イベント、ログ、トレース)を取得できる唯一の統合データプラットフォームを提供し、強力なフルスタック分析ツールとの組み合わせにより、エンジニアが意見ではなくデータを用いて最高の仕事をできるよう支援します。New Relicは、直感的で予測可能な価格体系を採用しています。計画サイクルタイム、変更失敗率、リリース頻度、平均解決時間の改善を支援することにより、エンジニアに高い費用対効果をもたらします。Adidas Runtastic, American Red Cross, Australia Post, Banco Inter, Chegg, GoTo Group, Ryanair, Sainsbury’s, Signify Health, TopGolf および World Fuel Services (WFS) などの世界有数の企業がNew Relicをお使いいただいています。お客様が稼働時間と信頼性を向上し、運用効率を高め、革新と成長を促す優れた顧客体験を提供する支援をしています。www.newrelic.com


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