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New Relic Releases ESG Impact Report for Fiscal Year 2024

San Francisco - 17. Juli 2024

New Relic, the intelligent observability platform, published its third annual environmental, social, and governance (ESG) Impact Report. The report highlights the company’s progress in executing its ESG strategy amidst its continued growth and transformation. New Relic has made strides across various initiatives, including a notable expansion of the New Relic for Students program, which concluded the year with more than 1,400 students.


“Our commitment to ESG principles is integral to our desire to build performant software and a better world, and we share these principles with a growing number of leading enterprises we work with on a daily basis,” said New Relic CEO Ashan Willy. “I am incredibly proud of our team's achievements and remain committed to fostering a technology ecosystem that grows ethically and sustainably.”


Key achievements in fiscal year 2024 include:

Driving environmental sustainability 

  • Moved out of data centers and into the public cloud: New Relic completed its migration to more energy-efficient cloud technologies with Amazon Web Services (AWS) Graviton processors; and implemented other operational changes that will help reduce carbon emissions and energy use. 
  • 100% renewable energy use: In FY24, New Relic achieved 100% renewable energy use in all of its offices through the purchase of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) and Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs). 
  • Scope 3 emission offsets: The company offset 100% of its scope 3 employee work-from-home electricity consumption through the purchase of EACs. 
  • Scope 1 emission offsets: New Relic offset 100% of its scope 1 emissions by purchasing carbon removal credits from Trees for Global Benefits.

Strengthening our security

  • Adoption of CIS 18 controls: New Relic adopted the CIS 18 Controls Framework, a comprehensive set of best practices for securing IT systems and data. This framework allows New Relic to better measure the maturity of its security posture, prioritize improvements, and proactively mitigate emerging threats.

Empowering our employees

  • Disability inclusion training: The company launched new disability inclusion training sessions aimed at equipping managers with essential knowledge and skills needed to support Relics with disabilities. These sessions cover crucial areas like performance management, ensuring confidentiality, facilitating accommodation requests, and recognizing barriers.

Expanding access to technology 

  • Democratization of New Relic to developers: Overall the company has reached nearly 620,000 lifetime free tier users and continues its commitment to ensuring all developers have access to making observability part of their developer toolkit.
  • Support for nonprofit organizations: New Relic provides eligible nonprofit organizations with three standard users and a terabyte of Data Plus per month at no charge, facilitating greater access to powerful observability tools. 
  • Support for students: The New Relic for Students program continues to grow, with over 1,400 students accessing  essential observability tools. 

To learn more about our approach to ESG, please visit the New Relic website. Read more about our journey to reduce carbon emissions here.


Über New Relic

Als führender Anbieter von Observability-Technologien unterstützt New Relic die globale Engineering-Community mit einer datenfundierten Methodik für das gesamte Software Lifecycle – von der Konzept-Phase bis zur operativen Umsetzung. In New Relic One erhalten Entwickler:innen die einzige Plattform zur Erfassung sämtlicher Telemetriedaten: Metrics, Events, Logs und Traces. Im Verbund mit umfassenden Analyse-Tools für den gesamten Stack leitet sie New Relic One in kürzester Zeit von einer grundlegenden Situationsanalyse zur genauen Problemursache. Mit dem branchenweit ersten klar planbaren verbrauchsbasierten Kostenmodell setzt New Relic auf absolute Transparenz in jeder Hinsicht und liefert der Engineering-Community so diverse Vorteile, von optimierter Cycle-Planung bis hin zu besseren Ergebnissen bei der Rate änderungsbedingter Ausfälle, der Release-Frequenzen und Lösungszeiten. Global führende Marken wie adidas Runtastic, das Amerikanische Rote Kreuz, Australia Post, Banco Inter, Chegg, Chegg, GoTo Group, Ryanair, Sainsbury’s, Signify Health, TopGolf und World Fuel Services (WFS) optimieren so ihre Uptime und Stabilität kontinuierlich und steigern über ihr Kundenerlebnis direkt ihr eigenes Innovationspotenzial und


New Relic, Inc.
