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BoxIntense Offers Customers Free Application Performance Management from New Relic


San Francisco - 2012年 3月 23日

New Relic, Inc., the SaaS-based cloud application performance management provider, today announced that BoxIntense, the managed hosting specialist, has enhanced it’s add-on offering by building application performance management from New Relic into their managed hosting infrastructure. Now customers of BoxIntense can take advantage of New Relic Standard free of charge.

BoxIntense is a privately held web hosting company focused on providing the best, all-in-one hosting solution. BoxIntense offers a choice of the finest hardware and best network and management services available in the market, ensuring maximum performance, reliability, and availability.

“We’re taking our commitment to reliability and availability to the next level by offering application performance management to all our customers for free,” said Vincent Latief, President at BoxIntense. " with New Relic, our customers now have the missing piece that allows them to monitor and manage their cloud applications to ensure the highest performance and assure application success.”

"New Relic and BoxIntense share the same goal of helping organizations ensure maximum performance, reliability, and availability of their business critical applications,” said Bill Lapcevic, New Relic’s vice-president of business development. “Together we’re the perfect solution for organization creating and managing applications in the cloud."

BoxIntense customers can start using New Relic immediately. Simply submit a request to BoxIntense and they’ll take care of the rest. Learn more here.

New Relicについて

アプリケーションパフォーマンス監視(APM)が発案されて以来、New Relicは最先端のプラットフォームとしてオブザーバビリティの最前線に立っており、デジタル体験の中断を解消します。adidas Runtastic、米国赤十字社、Domino’s、GoTo Group、Ryanair、Topgolf、William Hillといった世界中の企業がNew Relicを利用して、より優れたデジタル体験を創造し、収益を最適化し、イノベーションをリードしています。


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