
New Relic Introduces On-Demand Application Management for Java in the Amazon Web Services EC2 Cloud

As charter member of Amazon’s AWS Solution Providers Program, New Relic partners with Amazon to monitor and manage application performance in the Cloud

Orlando, FL -- Gartner Symposium - 2009年 10月 20日

New Relic, Inc., the leading software-as-a-service provider of application performance management solutions, today announced that New Relic RPM, its on-demand web application management solution, is now generally available for managing Java applications running on Amazon Web Services EC2 cloud computing platform. New Relic was also named a charter member of Amazon Web Services Solution Providers Program. New Relic has already helped more than 250 customers of Amazon Web Services’ EC2 manage the performance and availability of their production applications.

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is a web service that offers resizable compute capacity in the cloud. It provides control of computing resources and lets applications run on Amazon’s proven computing environment. EC2 reduces the time required to obtain and boot new server instances to minutes, allowing organizations to scale capacity as their computing requirements change. Because it is an on-demand service, New Relic RPM is uniquely suited to managing the performance of Java, Ruby or JRuby applications deployed on EC2, allowing Amazon Web Services customers to gain on-demand deep visibility into application health and performance.

"Our Facebook applications demand a dynamically scalable infrastructure and high performance," said Fran Kostella, CTO, of Gradient Labs. "We use RPM to automatically monitor application instances as they are created, to troubleshoot issues, and tune for optimal service delivery. Deploying web applications on Amazon EC2 and monitoring them with New Relic allows us to ensure maximum flexibility and performance."

The AWS Solution Providers Program brings together Independent Software Vendors and Systems Integrators that offer a rich set of solutions and consulting services on AWS. Through the program, partners become eligible to participate in customer case studies, a directory listing of providers, product training, webcasts and more—all designed to help EC2 customers take advantage of complementary technologies, which can help them successfully build, deploy and manage applications in the cloud. New Relic’s participation in the program will make it easier for EC2 customers to discover how New Relic RPM can help them ensure superior web application performance and availability.

"Our customers have embraced cloud computing at Amazon for its flexibility and cost-saving benefits," said Bill Lapcevic, vice president of business development of New Relic. "It’s important that we provide them with capabilities to help them be successful. Over the last year and a half, New Relic has built a strong reputation in the Ruby community for providing superior on-demand application management. The introduction of New Relic RPM for Java applications and our presence in the AWS Solution Providers Program demonstrates our commitment to helping the Java community meet application performance objectives and business goals in the Cloud and in the datacenter."

About Gradient Labs

Gradient Labs develops innovative software products and custom solutions for interacting with media and visualizing data. Founded by veterans of the Carnegie Mellon University spin-off community, Gradient Labs is currently focused on applying their proprietary technologies to their first Facebook application, called Dojo. Dojo offers a variety of enhancements and new capabilities to the photo and media sharing experience within Facebook. Learn more about Gradient Labs.

New Relicについて

New Relicは、オブザーバビリティのリーダーとして、優れたソフトウェアの計画、構築、デプロイ、実行に対するデータ駆動型のアプローチでエンジニアを支援しています。New Relicは、エンジニアがあらゆるテレメトリ(メトリクス、イベント、ログ、トレース)を取得できる唯一の統合データプラットフォームを提供し、強力なフルスタック分析ツールとの組み合わせにより、エンジニアが意見ではなくデータを用いて最高の仕事をできるよう支援します。New Relicは、直感的で予測可能な価格体系を採用しています。計画サイクルタイム、変更失敗率、リリース頻度、平均解決時間の改善を支援することにより、エンジニアに高い費用対効果をもたらします。Adidas Runtastic, American Red Cross, Australia Post, Banco Inter, Chegg, GoTo Group, Ryanair, Sainsbury’s, Signify Health, TopGolf および World Fuel Services (WFS) などの世界有数の企業がNew Relicをお使いいただいています。お客様が稼働時間と信頼性を向上し、運用効率を高め、革新と成長を促す優れた顧客体験を提供する支援をしています。www.newrelic.com


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