New Relic Coding CEO Takes the Stage at South by Southwest Interactive 2014
Lew Cirne to Share Secrets of Running an Innovative Company While Still Being a Software Developer
New Relic, Inc., the software analytics company, today announced that Founder and CEO Lew Cirne will present at South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive 2014 on Friday, March 7 in Austin, Texas. In Cirne’s solo session, "The Case for the Coding CEO," he will discuss the benefits of being a CEO who embraces his passion for code and how innovation, failure and creative freedom are behind the next innovations for software-driven businesses.
Cirne is trailblazing a new type of leadership that is a hybrid of both business and technological skill sets. He will talk about his passion for building a product-first company and delighting customers on a daily basis, while instilling craftsmanship from the software code on up. Cirne wrote the first lines of code for New Relic’s groundbreaking software-as-a-service solution in 2007 and dedicated the company to creating products that are both simple and easy-to-use, while also offering advanced technical functionality at a price anyone can afford. Today, New Relic serves more than 80,000 active customer accounts worldwide.
SXSW Interactive Session Details:
- Session Title: The Case for the Coding CEO
- When: 5:00PM – 5:15PM on Friday, March 7
- Where: Austin Convention Center, 500 E Cesar Chavez St – Ballroom F
New Relicについて
アプリケーションパフォーマンス監視(APM)が発案されて以来、New Relicは最先端のプラットフォームとしてオブザーバビリティの最前線に立っており、デジタル体験の中断を解消します。adidas Runtastic、米国赤十字社、Domino’s、GoTo Group、Ryanair、Topgolf、William Hillといった世界中の企業がNew Relicを利用して、より優れたデジタル体験を創造し、収益を最適化し、イノベーションをリードしています。