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Winning Above the Glass

Can you see your online customer experience?

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Each year shopping season is a nervy experience for consumers and brands alike. Shoppers worry that their target bargain will be sold—or worse still, the website will crash. While the first scenario is a sign of success for many retail brands, the second is a disaster with repercussions that go far beyond the mere loss of some sales.

New Relic works with some of the largest, most innovative retail businesses around the world. In Winning Above the Glass, you’ll learn how engineering teams can take ownership of customer experience and innovation in today’s retail environment. 

Busy shopping periods can be a nervy experience for both consumers and brands. Shoppers worry that the bargain they want will sell out, or that the website will crash. The second scenario can be a disaster for online retail and eCommerce businesses, with repercussions that can extend far beyond the loss of sales and revenue.

Download Winning Above the Glass to learn how engineering teams can take ownership of customer experience and innovate in today’s online retail and eCommerce environments. 

You'll learn about:

  • Hallmarks of customer success and how to know when things are going wrong
  • Two things to get right to convert customers

  • Adopting an innovation mindset and what that means in practice

  • Key metrics to use along the customer journey.