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New Relic Improves Integration with Windows Azure for Enhanced Web and Mobile App Monitoring

Scott Guthrie of Microsoft Demoed New Integration at FutureStack13

San Francisco -- FutureStack - 24. Oktober 2013

New Relic, Inc., the software analytics company, today announced important updates for Microsoft Corp.’s Windows Azure customers:

  • Windows Azure Web Sites .NET customers can now purchase and install the New Relic application performance management service while they are configuring their servers and applications from within the enhanced Windows Azure Management Portal.
  • Windows Azure Mobile Services customers can add New Relic mobile application monitoring to their iOS, Android and Windows apps by simply adding their New Relic license key and installing the New Relic module.

The updated portal capabilities result in fewer clicks to deploy New Relic performance monitoring, allowing customers to quickly and seamlessly gain immediate insight into the health of their applications. Now, instead of adding the New Relic service after they have established their web site on Windows Azure, customers will have direct access to the Windows Azure Store to purchase or synch their existing New Relic account during the configuration process. Once a subscription is selected, all of the New Relic settings will automatically populate in the application settings. For developers using Windows Azure Mobile services, they can now secure end-to-end performance visibility by copying their application token directly into the Windows Azure Management Portal.

For the following services and solutions, New Relic already provides real-time application performance with a .NET agent specifically designed for Windows Azure:


  • Windows Azure Mobile Services
  • Windows Azure Virtual Machines
  • Windows Azure Cloud Services, Web and Worker Role Instances
  • Windows Azure SQL Database, available as a New Relic plugin sending real-time data to the New Relic Plugins

Microsoft Corporate Vice President Scott Guthrie demonstrated how easy it is to add the New Relic service to websites and mobile apps during his keynote address on Oct. 24 at FutureStack13. Scott Guthrie’s keynote and all other FutureStack sessions will be available next week on

Supporting Quotes

"Windows Azure is a flexible and scalable cloud platform that enables developers to build and manage applications using the tools and frameworks of their choice. We are pleased to work with New Relic to provide our joint customers with real-time health and performance monitoring for applications built on a variety of web and mobile platforms."
- Scott Guthrie, Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Server and Tools

"New Relic's expanding support for Windows Azure services enables customers to better manage their business presence across web and mobile. By bringing New Relic to the forefront of the configuration process, Windows Azure Web and mobile customers gain intuitive and actionable analytics about the application right from the start. By teaming up with Windows Azure, together we push boundaries and redefine how developers build and innovate modern software. We look forward to the continued growth of our strategic relationship.
- Bill Lapcevic, Vice President of Business Development, New Relic

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Über New Relic

Als führender Anbieter von Observability-Technologien unterstützt New Relic die globale Engineering-Community mit einer datenfundierten Methodik für das gesamte Software Lifecycle – von der Konzept-Phase bis zur operativen Umsetzung. In New Relic One erhalten Entwickler:innen die einzige Plattform zur Erfassung sämtlicher Telemetriedaten: Metrics, Events, Logs und Traces. Im Verbund mit umfassenden Analyse-Tools für den gesamten Stack leitet sie New Relic One in kürzester Zeit von einer grundlegenden Situationsanalyse zur genauen Problemursache. Mit dem branchenweit ersten klar planbaren verbrauchsbasierten Kostenmodell setzt New Relic auf absolute Transparenz in jeder Hinsicht und liefert der Engineering-Community so diverse Vorteile, von optimierter Cycle-Planung bis hin zu besseren Ergebnissen bei der Rate änderungsbedingter Ausfälle, der Release-Frequenzen und Lösungszeiten. Global führende Marken wie adidas Runtastic, das Amerikanische Rote Kreuz, Australia Post, Banco Inter, Chegg, Chegg, GoTo Group, Ryanair, Sainsbury’s, Signify Health, TopGolf und World Fuel Services (WFS) optimieren so ihre Uptime und Stabilität kontinuierlich und steigern über ihr Kundenerlebnis direkt ihr eigenes Innovationspotenzial und


New Relic, Inc.
