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New Relic Introduces Core Management Team

Executive Team Brings Average of 10 Years Performance Management Domain Expertise Each to Solving Rails Application Performance Problems

Menlo Park, CA - 21. Mai 2008

New Relic, Inc. introduced three new executives today, completing its core management team. New Relic’s Founder and CEO Lew Cirne announced the appointments of Chief Operating Officer Mark Sachleben, Vice President of Engineering Jim Gochee, and Vice President of Business Development Bill Lapcevic. They will bring a respective 12, 8, and 10 years of application performance management domain expertise to the Rails community.

With an average of 10 years experience each in the web application performance management industry, New Relic’s core team is well-positioned to help Rails developers get quick insights into their application performance.

"This team brings together top-caliber executives with deep domain expertise," said Founder and CEO Lew Cirne. "Mark, Jim, and Bill have all played important roles at Wily Technology, from the company’s launch and growth, to its dominant market leadership, and to its ultimate acquisition by CA. Bringing these world-class executives on board moves New Relic one step closer to becoming the premier application management company for the Ruby on Rails community."

Following are career highlights for each of the three executives.

Mark Sachleben — Chief Operating Officer

Mark Sachleben joins New Relic as Chief Operating Officer following 9 years at Wily Technology. Mark joined Wily as employee number 4 and was the company’s senior financial executive from start-up through the company’s acquisition by CA. During this time, he helped raise multiple rounds of venture funding, developed the go-to-market model, closed an acquisition made by Wily, and, ultimately, helped sell the company to CA. Prior to Wily, Mark spent 10 years as an investment banker, working in the merger and acquisitions group at Goldman, Sachs & Co. in New York and at an investment banking boutique in San Francisco.

Jim Gochee — Vice President of Engineering

Jim Gochee comes to New Relic as the Vice President of Engineering from the Wily Technology division of CA, where he was the lead Architect for Introscope, the industry-leading web application performance monitoring solution. Prior to that, he was the CTO for an internet-based trading system for the wholesale food industry. Jim also spent four years at Apple Computer, Inc. and three years at Connectix Corporation working on VirtualPC. He holds a BA in Computer Science from Dartmouth College.

Bill Lapcevic — Vice President of Business Development

Bill Lapcevic joins New Relic as the Vice President of Business Development. Before New Relic, Bill was Vice President of Alliances at Solidcore Systems, a leading provider of enterprise-class change control and enforcement technology, where he focused on developing strategic relationships with companies such as Hewlett-Packard and Opsware. Prior to Solidcore, Bill spent nearly seven years as the Director of Business Development at Wily Technology, which he joined as employee number 13. While at Wily, he built partnerships with BEA Systems, IBM, HP, Oracle, and others. Bill holds an MBA from Pepperdine University and a BA from Dartmouth College.

Fresh from securing funding from Benchmark Capital, the New Relic team is quickly growing the company and will soon publicly release New Relic RPM. New Relic RPM lets developers see and understand performance metrics in real time so they can fix problems fast. The beta version of RPM is now available as a free plug-in install. You can request it at

Über New Relic

Als führender Anbieter von Observability-Technologien unterstützt New Relic die globale Engineering-Community mit einer datenfundierten Methodik für das gesamte Software Lifecycle – von der Konzept-Phase bis zur operativen Umsetzung. In New Relic One erhalten Entwickler:innen die einzige Plattform zur Erfassung sämtlicher Telemetriedaten: Metrics, Events, Logs und Traces. Im Verbund mit umfassenden Analyse-Tools für den gesamten Stack leitet sie New Relic One in kürzester Zeit von einer grundlegenden Situationsanalyse zur genauen Problemursache. Mit dem branchenweit ersten klar planbaren verbrauchsbasierten Kostenmodell setzt New Relic auf absolute Transparenz in jeder Hinsicht und liefert der Engineering-Community so diverse Vorteile, von optimierter Cycle-Planung bis hin zu besseren Ergebnissen bei der Rate änderungsbedingter Ausfälle, der Release-Frequenzen und Lösungszeiten. Global führende Marken wie adidas Runtastic, das Amerikanische Rote Kreuz, Australia Post, Banco Inter, Chegg, Chegg, GoTo Group, Ryanair, Sainsbury’s, Signify Health, TopGolf und World Fuel Services (WFS) optimieren so ihre Uptime und Stabilität kontinuierlich und steigern über ihr Kundenerlebnis direkt ihr eigenes Innovationspotenzial und


New Relic, Inc.
