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New Relic Continues Stellar Growth Through Q3

Company Grows Over 100% Year-Over-Year, Announces New Pricing Plans to Reach More Diverse Set of Paying Customers

San Francisco - 14 novembre 2013

New Relic, Inc., the software analytics company, today announced another stellar quarter of revenue growth in Q3 of 2013 in addition to new pricing packages that will enable the company to reach a broader number of customers. The Q3 paying customer count more than doubled year over year and the year-over-year revenue growth reached 115 percent. Overall, New Relic is continuing on a growth trajectory that is impacting the marketplace with groundbreaking innovations and a vision for the future of software analytics.

The company’s financial growth has remained strong for the last several years. According to research from IDC published in June, New Relic grew nearly four times faster than the overall pace of the 2012 systems management as a service marketplace, which only grew at a rate of 36 percent, in the report “Worldwide Systems Management Software as a Service 2013-2017 Forecast and 2012 Vendor Shares.”

As a commitment to its expanding market opportunity, New Relic has added new pricing packages to reach an even more diverse set of customers. The company now offers packages to better serve startup and small businesses, as well as large, global enterprises requiring support for multiple and complex applications. The pricing tiers include all of New Relic’s offered features, including advanced and deep-dive monitoring:

  • Startup – $199/month for 8 servers, reserved for companies with less than 10 people
  • Small Business – $499/month for 12 servers, for organizations up to 20 people
  • Pro – $149/month per host with an unlimited number of servers
  • Enterprise – Custom volume pricing for complex environments

For a full list of pricing details, visit https://newrelic.com/pricing.

Accomplishments in Q3:

  • New Relic added more than 1,300 paying customers
  • Ranked as the sixth-largest vendor based on market share in the IDC “Worldwide System Management Software as a Service 2013–2017 Forecast and 2012 Vendor Shares”
  • Prepared for the company’s inaugural user conference, FutureStack13, which took place in October with over 1,000 participants, and included keynotes and presentations from Microsoft, Rackspace and Twitter
  • Strengthened its executive team with the addition of former Oracle executive Dennis Reno, the company’s first Vice President of Customer Success
  • Joined the Google Cloud Platform Program as a technology partner for Google Compute Engine
  • Ranked by The Oregonian as a “Top Workplace” and recognized by Portland Monthly Magazine as one of “Portland’s Most Innovative Offices”
  • Grew the team by more than 40 people, bringing the total employee headcount to over 300 people

Supporting Quote:

“It was only a few years ago that advanced application performance management was available to a small number of large companies with deep pockets. When we started New Relic, we set out to democratize APM, enabling any company of any size to have real-time insight into the health of their software. Our successes in Q3 show that we continue to deliver what customers are looking for. Our new pricing plan reinforces our commitment to the broadest range of customers. We strive to make sense of billions of metrics about millions of applications because we believe it’s impossible to delight customers without visibility into their experiences.”
- Lew Cirne, founder and CEO, New Relic

Online Resources:

Read more on our blog. To learn more about the new pricing, visit www.newrelic.com/pricing.

Source: IDC, Worldwide System Management Software as a Service 2013–2017 Forecast and 2012 Vendor Shares, Doc # 241420, June 2013

À propos de New Relic

En tant que leader de l'observabilité, New Relic permet aux ingénieurs d'avoir une approche data-driven de la planification, du développement, du déploiement et de l'exécution d'excellents logiciels. New Relic propose la seule plateforme uniformisée qui permet aux ingénieurs d'obtenir toutes les données télémétriques (métriques, événements, logs et traces) avec les puissants outils d'analyse full‑stack pour aider les ingénieurs à donner le meilleur d'eux‑mêmes en s'appuyant sur des données et non sur des opinions. Le modèle de tarification intuitif et prévisible de New Relic est le premier du secteur à être basé sur la consommation, ce qui permet aux ingénieurs d'obtenir plus de leur investissement en les aidant à améliorer la planification des différents cycles, les taux d'échecs des modifications, la fréquence de publication des nouvelles versions et les temps moyens de résolution des problèmes. Tous ces avantages aident les meilleures marques au monde, dont Adidas Runtastic, Australia Post, Banco Inter, Chegg, GoTo Group, La Croix‑Rouge américaine, Ryanair, Sainsbury’s, Signify Health, TopGolf et World Fuel Services (WFS) à améliorer les temps de disponibilité et la fiabilité, à stimuler l'efficacité opérationnelle et à assurer une expérience client exceptionnelle, ce qui encourage l'innovation et la croissance. www.newrelic.com.

Contact presse

New Relic, Inc.

France : newrelic@lagencerp.com

USA : PR@newrelic.com