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Intelligent Growth Solutions Standardizes on New Relic

Global vertical farming company reduces monitoring spend by 58% by consolidating all observability needs into New Relic

SAN FRANCISCO - 21 mars 2023

New Relic (NYSE: NEWR), the all-in-one observability platform for every engineer, announced that fast-growing agritech and vertical farming business Intelligent Growth Solutions (IGS) has standardized on New Relic to fuel innovation and maintain instant visibility over its ecosystem of indoor vertical farming towers. By adopting New Relic, IGS has been able to reduce its monitoring spend and free up its software development team to work on tasks that help the company meet the growing demand for sustainable agriculture solutions. 


IGS is at the forefront of innovation in agritech with its vertical farming growth towers that use artificial intelligence and IoT technologies to provide a scalable, sustainable, and efficient way to grow crops. The company’s cutting-edge systems give growers precision control over every element of the growing environment, from watering and nutrition to light, airflow and temperature. With New Relic, IGS has access to more than 30 monitoring capabilities that enables the company to detect and solve issues faster and more efficiently than ever before. 


“At IGS, our mission is to bring tasty, nutritious food to all areas of the world. With a product that’s constantly evolving and a tech landscape that is growing more complex by the day, we need to go beyond application monitoring to see when and why an incident occurred across our entire stack,” said Intelligent Growth Solutions Founder and CTO Dave Scott. “By adopting New Relic, we have been able to identify when issues happen, where they took place, and what the impact will be. New Relic has given us the freedom to take more risks and innovate faster with a live product.”


Prior to using New Relic, IGS had to manually request access to specific hosts and configure non-standard log forwarding to collect application logs separate from their infrastructure logs, metrics, traces, and events, which required countless hours and staffing resources. The New Relic all-in-one approach helps IGS gain insight into the performance of its system in real-time, allowing it to identify trends and patterns that could impact the reliability and availability of its vertical growth towers. 


Implementations and benefits include: 


  • 80% reduction in resolution time: The engineering teams went from resolving issues in approximately five hours to less than an hour. 
  • 58% reduction in spend: The engineering team reduced logging and monitoring spend by 58% by consolidating observability needs to New Relic. 
  • Implementing proactive monitoring: The engineering team moved from reactive to proactive monitoring with New Relic, including the ability to see performance degradation and errors, which could indicate instability. 
  • Improving developer productivity: The entire development team  can focus on tasks that deliver value to customers instead of manually monitoring logging and infrastructure tools.
  • Understanding relationships within microservices: The engineering team is using New Relic logs in context to understand relationships of its logs in context with its microservices environment. 
  • Easy installation: The engineering team instrumented and migrated 90% of its estate to New Relic in 1.5 days by adding the New Relic application performance monitoring (APM) agent to containerized workloads.


“Intelligent Growth Solutions brings together decades of farming and engineering experience to create a technology business that thrives on designing innovative solutions to some of the world's most pressing challenges,” said New Relic EMEA CTO Greg Ouillon. “We are thrilled to continue our valued partnership with IGS and to provide the logging and infrastructure monitoring framework that makes the next generation of agritech possible.”


New customers can sign up for free or request a demo. Additional resources are available here:



À propos de New Relic

En tant que leader de l'observabilité, New Relic permet aux ingénieurs d'avoir une approche data-driven de la planification, du développement, du déploiement et de l'exécution d'excellents logiciels. New Relic propose la seule plateforme uniformisée qui permet aux ingénieurs d'obtenir toutes les données télémétriques (métriques, événements, logs et traces) avec les puissants outils d'analyse full‑stack pour aider les ingénieurs à donner le meilleur d'eux‑mêmes en s'appuyant sur des données et non sur des opinions. Le modèle de tarification intuitif et prévisible de New Relic est le premier du secteur à être basé sur la consommation, ce qui permet aux ingénieurs d'obtenir plus de leur investissement en les aidant à améliorer la planification des différents cycles, les taux d'échecs des modifications, la fréquence de publication des nouvelles versions et les temps moyens de résolution des problèmes. Tous ces avantages aident les meilleures marques au monde, dont Adidas Runtastic, Australia Post, Banco Inter, Chegg, GoTo Group, La Croix‑Rouge américaine, Ryanair, Sainsbury’s, Signify Health, TopGolf et World Fuel Services (WFS) à améliorer les temps de disponibilité et la fiabilité, à stimuler l'efficacité opérationnelle et à assurer une expérience client exceptionnelle, ce qui encourage l'innovation et la croissance. www.newrelic.com.

Contact presse

New Relic, Inc.

France : newrelic@lagencerp.com

USA : PR@newrelic.com