New Relic Now Dream of innovating more? Start living the dream in October.
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Why Choose New Relic?

Pay only for users, not for agents or nodes

Get to root cause faster in one connected experience - not a maze of charts

  • Correlate issues across your stack
  • Debug and collaborate from your IDE
  • AI assistance at every step
collect all your telemetry in one secure cloud

Collect all your telemetry in one secure cloud - no tool sprawl or data silos

  • Metrics, events, traces, logs in one place
  • Collect, query, dashboard & alert for a single low price
  • 100GB free per month for all
Pay only for what you use

Pay only for what you use—no shelfware and no overage penalties

  • Get started for free without a credit card
  • Scale as your users and data grow
  • 3X more value for your money

Go from zero to data in minutes. Try it now for free.