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Leading Analyst Firm Ranks New Relic as a Top Vendor in the Worldwide System Management Software as a Service Market

New Relic’s Revenue Grew Nearly Four Times Faster than the Overall Market

San Francisco - 8 août 2013

New Relic, Inc., the software analytics platform company, today announced that it has been ranked as the sixth largest vendor in the Worldwide System Management Software as a Service 2013–2017 Forecast and 2012 Vendor Shares report by independent analyst firm IDC. The study provides a market size and vendor share analysis for 2012. According to the IDC report, New Relic grew 120 percent, nearly four times faster than the overall market, which grew 36 percent. This was the first time New Relic was added to the named vendor list, which includes a number of larger, publicly held companies.

“For the 2013-2017 forecast period, IDC expects the systems management SaaS market to experience significant growth as emerging entrants gain, existing entrants extend their range of service options and customers become more comfortable with using these service options,” said Mary Johnston Turner, Research Vice President, Enterprise Systems Management Software, IDC. “Our analysis shows that this market experienced significant growth in 2012 due in large part to the rapid expansion of pure play vendors such as ServiceNow and New Relic.”

"Our vision of a pure SaaS solution is designed to address the complexity of modern software environments for the long term. As large enterprises continue to build their brands on web and mobile software, they must have real time insights into their customer’s experience as it can be only a matter of seconds before they lose a customer due to poor app performance. In the age of modern software, customers expect near immediate results and an extraordinary user experience. We are constantly innovating because we believe it’s impossible to delight customers without visibility into their experiences." - Lew Cirne, CEO and Founder of New Relic

Source: IDC, Worldwide System Management Software as a Service 2013–2017 Forecast and 2012 Vendor Shares, Doc # 241420, June 2013

À propos de New Relic

En tant que leader de l'observabilité, New Relic permet aux ingénieurs d'avoir une approche data-driven de la planification, du développement, du déploiement et de l'exécution d'excellents logiciels. New Relic propose la seule plateforme uniformisée qui permet aux ingénieurs d'obtenir toutes les données télémétriques (métriques, événements, logs et traces) avec les puissants outils d'analyse full‑stack pour aider les ingénieurs à donner le meilleur d'eux‑mêmes en s'appuyant sur des données et non sur des opinions. Le modèle de tarification intuitif et prévisible de New Relic est le premier du secteur à être basé sur la consommation, ce qui permet aux ingénieurs d'obtenir plus de leur investissement en les aidant à améliorer la planification des différents cycles, les taux d'échecs des modifications, la fréquence de publication des nouvelles versions et les temps moyens de résolution des problèmes. Tous ces avantages aident les meilleures marques au monde, dont Adidas Runtastic, Australia Post, Banco Inter, Chegg, GoTo Group, La Croix‑Rouge américaine, Ryanair, Sainsbury’s, Signify Health, TopGolf et World Fuel Services (WFS) à améliorer les temps de disponibilité et la fiabilité, à stimuler l'efficacité opérationnelle et à assurer une expérience client exceptionnelle, ce qui encourage l'innovation et la croissance. www.newrelic.com.

Contact presse

New Relic, Inc.

France : newrelic@lagencerp.com

USA : PR@newrelic.com