What's included?
Amazon Verified Access quickstart contains 1 dashboard. These interactive visualizations let you easily explore your data, understand context, and resolve problems faster.
AWS Verified Access
Amazon Verified Access observability quickstart contains 1 documentation reference. This is how you'll get your data into New Relic.
This quickstart doesn't include any alerts. Do you think it should?
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You can edit this quickstart to add helpful components. View the repository and open a pull request.
What is Amazon Verified Access?
AWS Verified Access allows you to provide secure network access without a VPN to corporate applications. Verified Access verifies each access request in real time and only connects users to the applications they are allowed to access, removing broad access to corporate applications, and reducing the associated risks.
Get started!
Start monitoring Amazon Veried Access by using AWS Kenesis Firehose to send logs to New Relic! Take a look at our documentation for information on how to set this integration.
About this integration
With this integration, you can keep up with important information about your Verified Access logo.svg
- Access attempt traffic
- Top denied attempts by IP Address
- Users attempting access from multiple IP Addresses
- Top accessed applications
- Real time logs on denied access attempts
More info
Check out the documentation to learn more about New Relic monitoring for Amazon Verified Access.