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Drive Leadership with Digital Insights for All

Forrester Analyst Report

By 2021, companies that embrace data-driven insights will outperform competitors that haven’t by $1.6 trillion annually. Whether you’re tracking employee productivity, customer experience, or application performance, insights-driven business practices are more important than ever if you want to operate with speed at scale.  

Download this Forrester Consulting report now to learn how data from application performance monitoring (APM) platforms help businesses:

  • Create a leadership culture backed by data-driven insights.
  • Make strategic, company-wide investments of insights solutions and capabilities.
  • Open access to data across the entire enterprise.
  • Continually learn from experiments in business practices.

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À propos de New Relic

Après avoir inventé le monitoring des performances des applications (APM), New Relic se trouve sur le devant de la scène de l'observabilité avec la plateforme la plus avancée qui soit pour l'élimination des interruptions numériques. Des entreprises du monde entier — dont adidas Runtastic, la Croix-Rouge américaine, Domino’s, GoTo Group, Ryanair, Topgolf, et William Hill — tournent sur New Relic pour créer de meilleures expériences numériques, optimiser leur chiffre d'affaires et être à la pointe de l'

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