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New Relic Introduces “Observability for Good” Nonprofit Donation Program

Partners with Code for America to leverage the power of observability to make government work for the people, and by the people in the digital age

San Francisco -- Nerd Days 1.0 - 13 de Octubre de 2020

New Relic, Inc. (NYSE: NEWR), the observability platform company, today announced “Observability for Good”, a new product donation program designed to help NGOs, nonprofits, and charities around the world leverage the benefits of observability in order to advance their missions. 

As part of the announcement, New Relic introduced a new partnership with Code for America, a non-partisan, non-political nonprofit dedicated to improving how government serves the American public, and how the public improves government. New Relic will provide Code for America’s volunteer Brigades around the country free access to New Relic One to support the creation of new apps and services. The announcements were made at New Relic’s Nerd Days 1.0 event for its developer community, where Code for America CTO Lou Moore participated in a keynote fireside chat. 

 Mission-driven organizations are under more pressure than ever to deliver their programs through digital channels. Like their for-profit peers, these organizations often have complex software ecosystems they need to manage to ensure the performance of their systems. Observability can help nonprofits visualize, analyze and troubleshoot their entire software stack, so they can pinpoint outages and performance problems and quickly get their systems back up and running in moments.


New Relic’s Observability for Good program, part of the NewRelic.org Social Responsibility division of the company, includes free access to New Relic One, including one terabyte of data ingest for the Telemetry Data Platform, five standard seats for Full Stack Observability each month, and additional discounts for Applied Intelligence. In addition, NewRelic.org will offer enablement and pro bono support to drive nonprofit success. New Relic partners with TechSoup to verify all global nonprofits for eligibility. 

“As a values-driven organization, New Relic established NewRelic.org with a mission of creating a more just, equitable, and accessible tech sector,” said Lew Cirne, CEO and founder, New Relic. “I firmly believe in the power of software to improve our world, and am proud to help social impact organizations further advance their missions.”  

“We chose to partner with New Relic because of a core mission we both share: helping engineers and many other people be effective and equitable,” said Lou Moore, chief technology officer, Code for America. “Our partnership allows us to gain the benefits of the Observability for Good program and continue to build out projects that make government work better for the people we serve.”

"With COVID-19 school closures, Quill experienced a huge surge in traffic as schools started using our online tools to help their students improve their writing skills. New Relic One provided our team with clear visibility into our bottlenecks, enabling us to rapidly and effectively scale our platform to support millions of students. As a small engineering team serving millions of students, New Relic has played a critical role in enabling us to achieve our mission of helping low-income students across the United States become strong writers and critical thinkers." -- Peter Gault, executive director, Quill.org

About New Relic One

New Relic One is the most powerful cloud-based observability platform built to help companies create more perfect software. Engineering teams around the world rely on New Relic One to improve uptime and performance, achieve greater scale and efficiency, and accelerate time to market. It includes everything organizations need to achieve observability:

  • Telemetry Data Platform to collect, visualize, and alert on all types of application and infrastructure data at petabyte scale. It is designed to be the single source of truth for all operational data.
  • Full-Stack Observability to easily analyze and troubleshoot the entire software stack across APM, infrastructure, logs, and digital customer experience in one connected experience.
  • Applied Intelligence to detect, understand, and resolve incidents faster.

To get started with the Observability for Good program, please visit newrelic.org/signup. Learn more about the program in this blog post. Full press release available here: https://ir.newrelic.com/press-releases/

Acerca de New Relic

Como el líder en observabilidad, New Relic habilita a los ingenieros con un enfoque basado en datos para planificar, construir, implementar y ejecutar un excelente software. New Relic ofrece la única plataforma de datos unificada que permite a los ingenieros obtener toda la telemetría (métricas, eventos, logs y trazas) junto con potentes herramientas de análisis de full stack para ayudar a los ingenieros a hacer su mejor trabajo con datos, no con opiniones. Entregado a través del primer precio basado en el uso de consumo de la industria que es intuitivo y predecible, New Relic brinda a los ingenieros más valor por el dinero al ayudar a mejorar los tiempos del ciclo de planificación, cambiar las tasas de falla, la frecuencia de lanzamiento y el tiempo medio de resolución. Esto ayuda a las principales marcas del mundo, incluidas la Cruz Roja Americana, Australia Post, Banco Inter, Chegg, Gojek, Signify Health, TopGolf, World Fuel Services (WFS) y Zalora, a mejorar el tiempo de actividad, la confiabilidad y la eficiencia operacional para brindar experiencias excepcionales a los clientes que alimentan la innovación y crecimiento.​ ​www.newrelic.com.

Contacto con los medios

New Relic, Inc.
