In light of global events related to COVID-19, we want to reaffirm our commitment to ensuring our New Relic products and services are up and running for our customers. Now, perhaps more than ever, the power of software will be tested, and we intend to play a part in keeping our customers’ systems performing.
New Relic's Crisis Management Team (CMT) has implemented a well-established business continuity program to mitigate potential disruptions to our business. As a technology company with a global presence, New Relic has a robust program in place to enable our workforce to work remotely with security and access to the services necessary to support our business and our customers. Our standard operational and on-call practices are designed with redundancies to support remote or geographically distributed teams.
Our team continues to actively monitor for relevant facts and updates. And, we will continue to adjust our approach to deliver on our commitment, while promoting the safety and well-being of our global employees and our communities.
We will continue to post additional updates on this page.
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