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This section explores deployment trends, organizational strategies, outage impact, downtime costs, and the key benefits driving adoption.

The current state of observability reflects a growing emphasis on optimizing technology investments to drive better business outcomes. Organizations are shifting from fragmented monitoring practices and towards consolidated observability platforms. 

While most organizations have not yet achieved full-stack observability, there was a significant year-over-year (YoY) increase in the deployment of observability capabilities. More organizations are nearing or achieving full-stack observability, which is key to unlocking its full potential.

Although outages remain a frequent and costly issue, observing more of the tech stack, achieving full-stack observability, and implementing observability best practices help organizations improve service-level metrics and get the most business value out of their investments.



said high-business-impact outages cost at least $1 million per hour of downtime


were using 5+ tools for observability


said the adoption of AI technologies is driving the need for observability


said they receive $10 million or more in annual value from their observability investment


had achieved full-stack observability