At the start of his career at New Relic, my boss Jemiah Sius kicked off a series of meet-ups he dubbed "Observability Day" (or "O11y Day" for short). These were informal, local events where New Relic staff could sit down and get to know observability practitioners and the people using our product in a particular part of the US.
O11y Days were a huge success for everyone involved but fell by the wayside like so many things during the pandemic. Here in the earliest moments of 2023, nobody is implying that the pandemic is over or behind us. At the same time, it can't be overlooked that we're better at keeping ourselves safe and healthy, and many folks are more comfortable with (not to mention eager to start) gathering again. So, we announced the return of O11y Days, kicking of in Dallas, Texas, on February 7.
I'm happy to say that the response has been overwhelming in all the best ways, and I'm excited to see what our next O11y Day—set for Miami—has in store.
Like Dallas, our Miami meet-up will be an informal, local event where folks using New Relic products—as well as IT practitioners in general—can sit down with us and eat a little, shmooze a little, and learn a lot! We'll start at noon on February 23, 2023, at the TopGolf Miami Doral. After a quick bite to eat, we'll have two workshop sessions:
- We’ll show how to leverage Observability-as-code with the Pulumi infrastructure-as-code SDK.
- We’ll explore ways to collect custom metrics with New Relic Flex.
The information and registration page is here: O11y Day: Miami.
If you aren’t familiar with O11y Days, they’re held in multiple cities around the US. Each one-day event is focused on helping developers, operators, and everyone in between learn more about building, running, and debugging their services by teaching key observability practices.
In turn, the attendees get a front-row seat to demos and workshops, as well as a chance to have unguarded and frank conversations about their needs related to the New Relic product road map, capabilities, and vision.
At The Doral, we'll start with lunch, fill your brain with two different workshops, and for those who want to hang around, we'll provide a buffet dinner along with a round of golf, all on us.
다음 단계
We'd love to see you there, but don't fret if you're not able to join us. This is just the kickoff of what we intend to be an ongoing series of visits to various cities around the US (and eventually the world)! Head over to our events page to see where we'll land next.
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