Data is transforming the world around us, and that includes the people around us, too. Take a look around and you’ll notice that nearly everyone today has evolved from being data-oblivious to data-obsessed.
Whether it’s all-star athletes, number-crunching accountants, or even your diabetic grandma, people from all walks of life are embracing data these days.
New Relic’s customers are no exception. CTO Joel Worrall, for example, uses data to drive advocacy and donations towards life-changing medical care for children with treatable conditions. MyFitnessPal Co-Founder Mike Lee, meanwhile, uses data to help its 65 million users lead healthier lifestyles.
Other examples of the data nerd movement are all around us. And whether you know it or not, you’re likely a data nerd yourself, too. Check out the infographic below to see the various types of data-nerdery that exist today. Then see if you can answer the question: What kind of data nerd are you?
Want to learn why the data nerd population is rising? These resources will help give you an idea.
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