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Technology All-Stars Take the Stage at New Relic’s FutureStack13 Conference

Explore the future of modern software with innovative speakers from Amazon, GitHub, Pandora, Twitter and more

San Francisco - 26 de Agosto de 2013

New Relic, Inc., the software analytics platform company, today announced its speaker lineup for their first-ever technology conference, FutureStack13, taking place in San Francisco on Oct. 24 – 25. Taking the main stage will be speakers hailing from disruptive companies at the forefront of modern software innovation. In addition to our industry-leading keynotes Hilary Mason of Accel Partners, John Engates of Rackspace Hosting and Scott Guthrie of Microsoft, joining the lineup are:

  • Chris Martin, Vice President of Engineering of Pandora
  • John Kleinschmidt, Director of Technology Development of CURE International
  • Simone Brunozzi, Senior Technology Evangelist of Amazon
  • Peter Van Hardenberg, General Manager of Heroku
  • Ben Hindman, Runtime Systems Engineer of Twitter


This two-day event will be a playground for technologists and creatives to imagine, build and craft the future of modern software. FutureStack will not only set out to define how modern software stack is evolving, but will also offer tracks dedicated to creating a culture for innovation and empowering technical and creative teams with shared tools for the design of better user experiences. Overall, the agenda will take a deep dive into current and future technologies through these four pillars:

  • Keynotes and Tech Inspiration – Developer-centric talks designed to inspire with the driving question, “what will you build in the future?”
  • Deep Dive into Technology – Technical sessions focused on maximizing the power of software
  • Rich Ecosystem – Hear from leaders trailblazing change across the technology spectrum
  • Genius Bar and Hacker Space – Collaborative environment designed for hacking and exploring New Relic


For a full list of main track and New Relic speakers, visit the speaker page at futurestack.io/speakers.

Conference details::


  • When: October 24 – 25, 2013
  • Where: Grand Hyatt San Francisco, 345 Stockton St.
  • Registration: visit www.futurestack.io


Additional information:



Acerca de New Relic

Como el líder en observabilidad, New Relic habilita a los ingenieros con un enfoque basado en datos para planificar, construir, implementar y ejecutar un excelente software. New Relic ofrece la única plataforma de datos unificada que permite a los ingenieros obtener toda la telemetría (métricas, eventos, logs y trazas) junto con potentes herramientas de análisis de full stack para ayudar a los ingenieros a hacer su mejor trabajo con datos, no con opiniones. Entregado a través del primer precio basado en el uso de consumo de la industria que es intuitivo y predecible, New Relic brinda a los ingenieros más valor por el dinero al ayudar a mejorar los tiempos del ciclo de planificación, cambiar las tasas de falla, la frecuencia de lanzamiento y el tiempo medio de resolución. Esto ayuda a las principales marcas del mundo, incluidas la Cruz Roja Americana, Australia Post, Banco Inter, Chegg, Gojek, Signify Health, TopGolf, World Fuel Services (WFS) y Zalora, a mejorar el tiempo de actividad, la confiabilidad y la eficiencia operacional para brindar experiencias excepcionales a los clientes que alimentan la innovación y crecimiento.​ ​www.newrelic.com.

Contacto con los medios

New Relic, Inc.
