Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated in the U.S. from September 15 - October 15.
I am proud to be the Executive Sponsor of Relics of Color, our Employee Resource Group for all people of color and allies at New Relic. This year, we selected the theme Pioneers of Change - Shaping the Future Together.
All month long, we hosted internal programs to learn and celebrate. We kicked off the month with a lively trivia game where we learned more about Hispanic trailblazers like Ellen Ochoa, Luis Von Ahn, and others. Later in the month, we learned how Relics were pioneers in their personal and professional lives. And to end the month we held a session with a financial literacy coach where we learned about how to set our families up for generational wealth.
Personal Reflection
This month is personal to me. I have shared about my experiences living part of my childhood in a small apartment in San Francisco with my mom and grandparents. I look back on my childhood with fondness, remembering the love of family and friends - especially my mother.
For me, she was a pioneer. She instilled values of hard work, resiliency, and compassion into my sister and myself. These values have been the foundation in both my personal and professional life. It’s a significant part of how I show up as a husband, father, and also as Chief Customer Officer at New Relic.
This month, I pause and reflect upon all the pioneers I’ve met along my journey, and how the seemingly small actions can lead to great accomplishments. More importantly, it’s a time to reflect on how each of us have the next generation looking at us for direction, guidance, and purpose.
With more than 20 years in the tech industry, I have found myself in a similar place as my mother - being a pioneer to the next Latino-American child who dreams big. So, as Hispanic Heritage Month comes to a close, cheers to all the pioneers who are shaping our future!
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