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The momentum behind Kubernetes continues to grow steadily. Originally designed by engineers at Google, Kubernetes (sometimes written as K8s) is an open source platform that automates container orchestration—deployment, management, and scaling. (Red Hat has published a clear and thorough overview of Kubernetes that’s worth checking out: What Is Kubernetes?)

To help you stay current with the latest news and developments in the rapidly growing world of Kubernetes, we gathered this lineup of 15 Kubernetes experts, listed in alphabetical order. Follow these folks online to grow your knowledge and skills, become part of the conversation, and stay close to the K8s community:

Paul Bakker

Senior software engineer at Netflix, led the team that developed the CloudRTI, a Kubernetes/Docker-based service for DevOps.

Twitter: @pbakker

GitHub: github.com/paulbakker

Website: http://paulbakker.io/

JavaZone presentation: Kubernetes Automation in Production


Joe Beda

Founder and CTO of Kubernetes consultancy Heptio; co-founder of Google Kubernetes Compute Engine and Google Container Engine.

Twitter: @jbeda

GitHub: github.com/jbeda

Website: www.eightypercent.net/

Medium: blog.heptio.com/@jbeda

KubeCon presentation: The Road to a More Useable Kubernetes


Brendan Burns

Distinguished engineer at Microsoft and co-founder of the Kubernetes project, coauthor of Kubernetes: Up and Running.

Twitter: @brendanburns

GitHub: github.com/brendandburns

Blog: azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/author/bburns/


Camille Fournier

Engineering executive, speaker, and author; former CTO of Rent the Runway.

Twitter: @skamille

GitHub: github.com/skamille

Blog: www.elidedbranches.com

Website: www.camilletalk.com

Medium: medium.com/@skamille


Sebastien Goasguen

Kubernetes lead at application packaging provider Bitnami; author of Docker Cookbook: Solutions and Examples for Building Distributed Applications.

Twitter: @sebgoa

GitHub: github.com/sebgoa

Medium: medium.com/@sebgoa


Ben Hall

Creator of interactive learning and training platform Katacoda, offering several courses on Kubernetes and Docker.

Twitter: @ben_hall

GitHub: github.com/BenHall

Blog: blog.benhall.me.uk


Michael Hausenblas

Developer advocate at Red Hat on the OpenShift team; blogs about machine learning on Kubernetes.

Twitter: @mhausenblas

GitHub: github.com/mhausenblas

Blog: kube-machine-learning.rocks


Kelsey Hightower

Google developer advocate; keynote speaker at the KubeCon + CloudNativeCon event in Austin.

Twitter: @kelseyhightower

GitHub: github.com/kelseyhightower

Google +: plus.google.com/106678312289948845134


Tim Hockin

Principal software engineer at Google working on Kubernetes, GKE, and Google Cloud.

Twitter: @thockin

GitHub: github.com/thockin


Joseph Jacks

Founder of KubeCon and of Kismatic open source toolkit for deploying Kubernetes clusters.

Twitter: @asynchio

GitHub: github.com/josephjacks

Blog: jjacks.svbtle.com


Craig McLuckie

CEO of Kubernetes consultancy Heptio; co-founder of the Kubernetes OSS project.

Twitter: @cmcluck

GitHub: github.com/craigmcl


Antonio Murdaca

Senior software engineer at Red Hat and lead developer on lightweight container runtime for Kubernetes CRI-O; Moby Project core maintainer.

Twitter: @runc0m

GitHub: github.com/runcom


Brandon Philips

CTO of CoreOS (now part of Red Hat), provider of enterprise-oriented Kubernetes platform Tectonic. Expertise in building and designing distributed systems on top of Kubernetes.

Twitter: @brandonphilips

GitHub: github.com/philips

Alex Polvi

CEO of CoreOS, co-founder of Cloudkick.

Twitter: @polvi

GitHub: github.com/polvi

Website: alex.polvi.net


LIz RiceLiz Rice

Frequent speaker on container security, author of Learning Path: Building Containers from Scratch with Go, KubeCon co-chair.

Twitter: @lizrice

GitHub: github.com/lizrice

Website: www.lizrice.com

Medium: medium.com/@lizrice



Website: kubernetes.io

Twitter: @kubernetesio

GitHub: github.com/kubernetes



Start monitoring Kubernetes in New Relic

To get started, check out our blog post Contain Complexity With New Relic’s Kubernetes Integration.

Also, don't miss 20 Docker and Container Experts to Follow Online