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New Relic Analytics Sharpen Application Performance of Global Branding Firm’s Cloud Platform

FutureStack Customer Speaker to Discuss How SLA Credibility of Cloud-Based Platform Is Pivotal for Customer Experience

San Francisco - 22 de Octubre de 2013

New Relic, Inc., the software analytics company, today announced that SGK Inc., a leading provider of brand development and deployment services for more than 8,500 client brands, has gained unprecedented levels of insight and efficiency in its application performance management operations using New Relic. With real time insights and an easy-to-use interface, New Relic has become a proven, critical component in providing analytics that assure SGK’s service-level agreements (SLAs) are being met and clients are satisfied. By leveraging New Relic’s advanced features like Real User Monitoring and Transaction Tracing, SGK was able to quickly identify and eliminate 95 percent of potential performance issues.

On Thursday at FutureStack, New Relic’s first ever technology conference, Kamila Bajaria, senior director of infrastructure systems of Schawk Digital Solutions (SDS) division of SGK, will speak on how New Relic has optimized their end-user experience and provide complete transparency to their stakeholders.

A New Relic customer for more than four years, SDS uses New Relic’s software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution to monitor its client-facing, cloud-based software platform, BLUE. BLUE supports the creation, workflow and management of their consumer packaging and branding services, and is used by more than 65,000 active users.

To date, New Relic has helped SGK:

  • Reduce time needed to identify the source of problems by 75 percent
  • Improve time to resolution, saving approximately one hour per incident
  • Assure new sales prospects of SLA delivery ability by presenting New Relic’s powerful visuals


Supporting Quotes

“New Relic has had a transformational effect on how our team operates. We are now a more metrics-driven, fact-based decision-making organization. We’ve moved away from trial-and-error methods of troubleshooting, and now we rely on this software to eliminate 95 percent of potential causes right off the bat.”
- Kamila Bajaria, Senior Director of Infrastructure Systems, Schawk Digital Solutions

“SGK’s BLUE platform is a prime example of the possibilities of continuous innovation using modern software. BLUE encourages customer interactions and responsiveness that change the way brands go to market on a global basis. As customers put applications at the core of their business, we will continue to build new ways to optimize the performance of their applications to protect our customers’ brands and their customers’ experiences.”
- Chris Cook, President and COO, New Relic

To learn more about SGK’s success using New Relic, visit: www.newrelic.com/case-studies/sgk. Learn more about FutureStack, visit: www.futurestack.io.


About SGK

SGK is a leading global brand development, activation and deployment company that drives brand performance. By creating brands, helping sell brands, producing brand assets and protecting brand equities, SGK helps their clients achieve higher brand performance. SGK's global footprint spans more than 20 countries. SGK was formerly marketed as Schawk, Inc. For more information visit: http://www.sgkinc.com.

Acerca de New Relic

Como el líder en observabilidad, New Relic habilita a los ingenieros con un enfoque basado en datos para planificar, construir, implementar y ejecutar un excelente software. New Relic ofrece la única plataforma de datos unificada que permite a los ingenieros obtener toda la telemetría (métricas, eventos, logs y trazas) junto con potentes herramientas de análisis de full stack para ayudar a los ingenieros a hacer su mejor trabajo con datos, no con opiniones. Entregado a través del primer precio basado en el uso de consumo de la industria que es intuitivo y predecible, New Relic brinda a los ingenieros más valor por el dinero al ayudar a mejorar los tiempos del ciclo de planificación, cambiar las tasas de falla, la frecuencia de lanzamiento y el tiempo medio de resolución. Esto ayuda a las principales marcas del mundo, incluidas la Cruz Roja Americana, Australia Post, Banco Inter, Chegg, Gojek, Signify Health, TopGolf, World Fuel Services (WFS) y Zalora, a mejorar el tiempo de actividad, la confiabilidad y la eficiencia operacional para brindar experiencias excepcionales a los clientes que alimentan la innovación y crecimiento.​ ​www.newrelic.com.

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New Relic, Inc.
