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New Relic’s User Conference, FutureStack13, Announces Full Schedule

Two-Day Event Will Host More Than 40 Speakers From Top Tech Companies

San Francisco - 23 de Septiembre de 2013

New Relic, Inc., the software analytics company, today announced the schedule for FutureStack13, the company’s first-ever technology conference, taking place Oct. 24-25 in San Francisco. The two-day event is jam-packed with talks from industry-leading technologists and creatives from the likes of Airbnb, GE, Microsoft, Rackspace, Twitter and more, speaking on the future of modern software. Tickets are on sale today for $500 and will increase to $600 on Oct.11 (at 8:00 a.m. PDT). To purchase a ticket to the future, visit: www.futurestack.io

Broken into three tracks, the conference will facilitate thought-provoking conversations for developers, technologists, and more on the advancement of software innovation. The tracks focus on:

  • New Relic - features and insights into New Relic products directly from New Relic engineers
  • Special Guests - perspectives from the industry's leading thinkers answering the question "How do we build Modern Software?"
  • Partners - developer-centric sessions capturing the possibilities of the technology ecosystem


Each session and keynote will explore how technology will advance in the years to come. New Relic’s founder and CEO, Lew Cirne, will open the conference each day with his anticipated “State of the Future” sessions. Additional talks and sessions include:

  • “Continuum Between SaaS and PaaS: Finding the Sweet Spot,” Ryan Boyd, head of developer relations at Google
  • “An Operating System for the Data Center Computer,” Ben Hindman, staff systems engineer at Twitter
  • “Immutability and Continuous Delivery – Friends or Foes?” Roland Tritsch, VP of infrastructure engineering at Gilt Groupe
  • “Monitoring Applications in Cloud Foundry,” Scott Frederick, community engineering lead at Pivotal


For a full schedule and talk abstracts, visit www.futurestack.io/schedule .

Conference details:
  • When: October 24 – 25, 2013
  • Where: Grand Hyatt San Francisco, 345 Stockton St.
  • Registration: www.futurestack.io
Additional information:

Acerca de New Relic

Como el líder en observabilidad, New Relic habilita a los ingenieros con un enfoque basado en datos para planificar, construir, implementar y ejecutar un excelente software. New Relic ofrece la única plataforma de datos unificada que permite a los ingenieros obtener toda la telemetría (métricas, eventos, logs y trazas) junto con potentes herramientas de análisis de full stack para ayudar a los ingenieros a hacer su mejor trabajo con datos, no con opiniones. Entregado a través del primer precio basado en el uso de consumo de la industria que es intuitivo y predecible, New Relic brinda a los ingenieros más valor por el dinero al ayudar a mejorar los tiempos del ciclo de planificación, cambiar las tasas de falla, la frecuencia de lanzamiento y el tiempo medio de resolución. Esto ayuda a las principales marcas del mundo, incluidas la Cruz Roja Americana, Australia Post, Banco Inter, Chegg, Gojek, Signify Health, TopGolf, World Fuel Services (WFS) y Zalora, a mejorar el tiempo de actividad, la confiabilidad y la eficiencia operacional para brindar experiencias excepcionales a los clientes que alimentan la innovación y crecimiento.​ ​www.newrelic.com.

Contacto con los medios

New Relic, Inc.
