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New Relic Manages The Performance of Web Applications on JBoss Application Server

RPM is now available on demand to manage Java applications deployed in the cloud or the datacenter

Orlando, FL -- Gartner Symposium - 20 de Octubre de 2009

New Relic, Inc., the leading software-as-a-service provider of application performance management solutions, today announced that New Relic RPM supports the performance management of Java applications deployed on the popular JBoss Application Server, a core feature of JBoss Enterprise Application Platform. Now, organizations deploying mission-critical Java web applications on JBoss Application Server can use the RPM on-demand application management solution to monitor application health, troubleshoot performance issues, and continuously tune them for scalability.

New Relic RPM is an on-demand web application management solution that offers comprehensive capabilities for monitoring, troubleshooting and tuning. Support for Java application management was announced this week by New Relic as part of the general availability of Version 2 of RPM. JBoss Application Server includes important features and is a key element of JBoss Enterprise Application Platform, which utilizes the Java Enterprise Edition (EE) programming approach and is Red Hat’s current solution for highly transactional applications. Together, JBoss Application Server and RPM help customers to deploy and manage web applications that meet stringent demands for performance and availability.

"Our leading ePublishing Core Platform, which is deployed on JBoss Application Server, provides publishers with industry-leading services such as Content Management, eCommerce, Email Newsletters, Workflow, Community Features and more," said Trey Connell, Chief Technology Officer at ePublishing. "Ensuring 24x7 availability and superior performance for our customers is absolutely essential. I installed New Relic and within minutes had access to performance data that can help me proactively monitor our applications and identify issues before they affect end users. JBoss and New Relic is a great combination."

"Companies deploying critical applications on JBoss Application Server understand the importance of superior reliability and performance," said Bill Lapcevic, New Relic’s vice president of business development. "Whether deployed in the Cloud or in a dedicated server environment, RPM offers essential capabilities for ensuring that critical Java web applications are meeting or exceeding performance objectives, end-user expectations, and business goals."

Acerca de New Relic

Como el líder en observabilidad, New Relic habilita a los ingenieros con un enfoque basado en datos para planificar, construir, implementar y ejecutar un excelente software. New Relic ofrece la única plataforma de datos unificada que permite a los ingenieros obtener toda la telemetría (métricas, eventos, logs y trazas) junto con potentes herramientas de análisis de full stack para ayudar a los ingenieros a hacer su mejor trabajo con datos, no con opiniones. Entregado a través del primer precio basado en el uso de consumo de la industria que es intuitivo y predecible, New Relic brinda a los ingenieros más valor por el dinero al ayudar a mejorar los tiempos del ciclo de planificación, cambiar las tasas de falla, la frecuencia de lanzamiento y el tiempo medio de resolución. Esto ayuda a las principales marcas del mundo, incluidas la Cruz Roja Americana, Australia Post, Banco Inter, Chegg, Gojek, Signify Health, TopGolf, World Fuel Services (WFS) y Zalora, a mejorar el tiempo de actividad, la confiabilidad y la eficiencia operacional para brindar experiencias excepcionales a los clientes que alimentan la innovación y crecimiento.​ ​www.newrelic.com.

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New Relic, Inc.
