New Relic is proud to recognize and celebrate the contributions Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities have made to society during AAPI Heritage Month.
The history of AAPI Heritage Month
AAPI Heritage Month dates back to 1978 when the United States congress acknowledged the historical contributions of these communities. The month of May was chosen to commemorate two significant events in the history of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders: the arrival of the first Japanese immigrants to the United States on May 7, 1843, and the completion of the transcontinental railroad—built largely by Chinese immigrants—on May 10, 1869.
Throughout AAPI Heritage Month, organizations, communities, and individuals across the United States celebrate and recognize the significant contributions that Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have made to our world. (See just a few of them on LinkedIn!) This month serves as a reminder to learn about the diverse histories, cultures, and traditions of the AAPI communities. It promotes greater understanding, respect, and appreciation for the communities’ rich cultural heritage that can be celebrated all over the world.
The Asian and Pacific Islander affinity group at New Relic
In 2022, we established an Asian and Pacific Islander (API) affinity group as part of our Relics of Color Employee Resource Group (ERG), and we hosted a variety of activities to foster connection and belonging, and to honor AAPI Heritage Month.
We’ve found that eating culturally-significant food is a great way to immerse ourselves in a culture. Whether you're invited into someone’s home, getting takeout, or dining in a restaurant, you can literally taste the cultural vibrancy in each bite. This month, our AAPI Relics shared some of their favorite cultural dishes on social media. We also hosted some tasty gatherings such as a Filipino lumpia crawl and a Hawaiian-style family dinner.

Another educational activity we enjoyed together was in honor of Japanese culture. Relics learned origami from a Japanese culture expert to better understand the history, stories, and meanings of the shapes.

At New Relic, we’re committed to fostering an inclusive workplace where all employees feel welcome, valued, and supported. Diversity and inclusion are essential to driving innovation and achieving our mission to be the source of truth for every engineer to make decisions every day—with data, not opinions—at every stage of the software lifecycle. Fundamental to our company mission is DEI. We aim for a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace, a place where careers thrive, and where our products represent our vast and very best contributions. In other words, our vision is a more perfect company—for everyone.
Thank you to everyone who joined us in celebrating AAPI Heritage Month. Please continue to learn about and honor the incredible diverse cultures of the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities!
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