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Why monitor Kubernetes using OpenTelemetry?
Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and, management of containerized applications. OpenTelemetry is an open source observability framework that provides IT teams with standardized protocols and tools for collecting and routing telemetry. Organizations adopting OpenTelemetry will get advantage of vendor neutrality by using flexible and open-source agents and/or SDKs.
New Relic provides OpenTelemetry observability for Kubernetes which aims not only to ingest all the data sent but also to provide first-class K8s experiences and insights.
This quicktart gives you visibility into your Kubernetes clusters and workloads in minutes, whether your clusters are hosted on-premises or in the cloud.
Kubernetes (OpenTelemetry) quickstart highlights
Included in this quickstart you will find:
- Instructions to install our K8s instrumentation with OpenTelemetry.
- A complete recommended alert policy including alert conditions to be notified on most of the common relevant issues.
- Container CPU throttling is high (alert condition)
- Container high CPU utilization (alert condition)
- Container high memory utilization (alert condition)
- Container is restarting (alert condition)
- Container is waiting (alert condition)
- Daemonset is missing pods (alert condition)
- Deployment is missing pods (alert condition)
- Etcd fie descriptor utilization is high (alert condition)
- Etcd has no leader (alert condition)
- HPA current replicas < desired replicas (alert condition)
- HPA has reached maximum replicas (alert condition)
- Job Failed (alert condition)
- More than 5 pods failing in namespace (alert condition)
- Node allocatable CPU utilization is high (alert condition)
- Node allocatable memory utilization is high (alert condition)
- Node is not ready (alert condition)
- Node is unschedulable (alert condition)
- Node pod count nearing capacity (alert condition)
- Node root file system capacity utilization is high (alert condition)
- Persistent volume has errors (alert condition)
- Pod cannot be scheduled (alert condition)
- Pod is not ready (alert condition)
- Statefulset is missing pods (alert condition)