If you want to know what’s going on in the world of DevOps, DORA’s Accelerate: State of DevOps report is essential reading. Now’s your chance to contribute to the 2019 report by participating in the survey on which DORA bases its analyses.
Every year for the past five years, the DORA (DevOps Research Associates) team—founded by Dr. Nicole Forsgren, Jez Humble, and Gene Kim—has fielded the Accelerate: State of DevOps survey and report to track the global state of the industry and share best practices. In that time, more than 23,000 professionals have participated and provided key insights.
We know that DORA's research on DevOps and software team best practices is directly relevant to many of our customers, which is why we’re proud to join Google and others in sponsoring DORA’s 2019 research and report.
DORA’s 2018 Accelerate: State of DevOps report highlights
DORA’s 2018 Accelerate report, for example, noted an increasing separation between elite DevOps performers and less successful organizations, driven by key technical practices including “monitoring and observability, continuous testing, database change management, and integrating security earlier in the software development process.” These elite performers deploy software, on demand, multiple times a day—with a lead time for changes of less than an hour! Similarly, they also typically restore service after an outage in less than an hour.
That leads to some amazing advantages, including:
- 46 times more-frequent code deployments
- Lead times, from commit to deploy, that are 2,555 times faster
- A change failure rate that is 7 times lower
- A time to recover from incidents that is 2,604 times faster
The report also found that “a comprehensive monitoring and observability solution positively contributes to continuous delivery, and that those who have one were 1.3 times more likely to be in the elite-performing group.”
Take the survey … for everyone’s sake
We encourage all of you in the New Relic community to take the 25-minute survey to make sure the 2019 report includes your perspectives, insights, and experiences to help the industry make software better, smarter, and safer.
We also urge you to get the word out by sharing the survey link with your colleagues and connections.
Want to learn more? Check out DORA’s book—Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and DevOps: Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations, by Nicole Forsgren, Jez Humble, and Gene Kim. The book embodies many of the insights from the survey and report, and many New Relic customers have used it as a resource to guide their teams' DevOps transformations.
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