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New Relic to Help Online Retailers to Optimize Their Web Stores for Holiday Traffic

Special holiday promotion for improving Ruby and Java application performance before the holiday season will be revealed in live online webcast.

San Francisco - 17 de Septiembre de 2009

New Relic, Inc., the leading software-as-a-service provider of application performance management solutions, today announced a new program to help online retailers prepare their sites for the holiday season. Companies looking to optimize the performance of their Java and Ruby web applications and ensure superior service for their end users can purchase New Relic RPM Gold at a special discount using promotion codes to be announced only in a live webcast. The webcast, called "Optimizing Your Online Store for the Holidays," will be held on Thursday, September 24, at 10:00 PDT/ 13:00 EDT. It will feature New Relic customer, the nation’s leading online provider of sheet music, and will provide tips for getting your online store ready for the holiday crowd.

During the Holiday peak season, online retailers can experience a doubling or tripling of sales. With peak online traffic, the risk of losing customers becomes greater if they cannot rapidly respond to change. This means ensuring that software can be implemented quickly and that configuration and infrastructure changes are can be made simply, rapidly and automatically. Because it monitors web application behavior and customer experiences in real time, New Relic RPM can play a central role in adapting to peak season changes by supporting decisions about performance, capacity and scalability during the Holidays and throughout the year.

"In our business, the holiday season starts early and continues right through December as our customers buy music in preparation for holiday celebrations and as gifts," said Brian Doll, manager of software development at Sheet Music Plus. "Having been involved in building and deploying numerous web sites over the years, I can say without hesitation that issues of web application performance, scalability and capacity management are easier to manage with New Relic RPM."

"New Relic wants to give our online retail customers every advantage when it comes to ensuring service delivery and meeting business goals this holiday season," said Lew Cirne, New Relic CEO. "That why we’ve teamed with a seasoned retail customer, Sheet Music Plus, to share their insights and advice with other online business owners during a special webinar presentation later this month. Additionally, with economic concerns still on everyone’s mind, now is the right time for us to make licensing RPM even more affordable. When online retailers put the right plans and tools in place for ensuring high service levels, everyone benefits."

Join New Relic on September 24 at 10:00 PDT/13:00 EDT for "Optimizing Your Online Store for the Holidays." Register here.

Acerca de New Relic

Luego de inventar el monitoreo del rendimiento de aplicaciones (APM), New Relic se encuentra al frente de la observabilidad con la plataforma más avanzada para eliminar las interrupciones digitales. Empresas de todas partes del mundo, entre las cuales se incluyen Adidas Runtastic, la Cruz Roja Americana, grupo GoTo, Ryanair, Topgolf y William Hill, usan New Relic para crear mejores experiencias digitales, optimizar los ingresos y liderar la innovación.

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New Relic, Inc.