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What is Change Tracking?

Get the full picture of changes across your stack.

Chart icon
Monitor change with markers.

See how deployments and changes line up with signal swings and incidents.


API icon
One API, one source of truth.

Easily record deployments with a GraphQL API and query them alongside metrics and telemetry.

for delivery icon
Analyze impact in context.

Correlate changes with key signal trends, errors, logs, anomalies, incidents, and more.


Connect icon
Connect CI/CD and production data.

Automatically create change markers with Jenkins, GitHub, New Relic CLI, or CI/CD integrations.


Know changes at every stage of development.

  • See all recorded changes in APM, browser, mobile, custom dashboards, and more. 
  • Quickly understand the impact of changes, why they were made, and who made them.
  • Automate change tracking across your estate by adding it to your deploy scripts and CI/CD processes.
Screenshot of deployment details pane
New Relic Change Tracking details. Allows users to deep dive into how deployments and change events impact service quality.

Deploy, validate, improve—and deliver faster.

  • Correlate errors, logs, anomalies, and incidents to see hidden problems for more reliable deployments.
  • View changes in context with deep links, CI/CD metadata, related entities, and golden signal deltas.
  • See if CI/CD processes are getting better or worse by comparing one deployment to another.

Capture events across your CI/CD workflows.

  • Capture metadata, timestamps, descriptions, version numbers, links to change logs, CI/CD tools, and more.
  • Automatically record deployments in Jenkins and GitHub pipelines to share metadata in New Relic. 
  • Apply change tracking events to any entity type using our 780+ integrations to enrich context.
Automating CI/CD with New Relic through the Jenkins integration

Ready to integrate your
current tools?

Get more value and unify insights from your trusted tools in just a few clicks.

Only pay for what you need,
not a bundle of SKUs.

  • Transparent user-based pricing
  • 100 GB/month free data
  • $0.35/GB as you grow
  • Start now for free
Improve deployment frequency and quality with errors, logs, anomalies, and incidents tied to New Relic Change Tracking.

When things go wrong, restore service in a snap.

  • Notify teams of deploy or config changes in real time to monitor all metrics, errors, and logs.
  • Quickly identify next steps and connect to other platforms in your CI/CD toolchain.
  • Track performance and uptime over time and compare markers to easily identify best practices.